A fanfic *raises eyebrow*

Dec 10, 2008 10:17

my first attempt at a story that isn't Jacob/Bella. Oooo exciting stuff people.

Title: Who's Your Daddy?
Author: the-angry-pixie
The Players: Leah, Embry
Summary: Leah ponders her strange relationship with Embry.
Word Count: 2058
Notes: Can be set sometime during Eclipse I spose.

Someone has to play the bad guy. The bitch. The bully. I didn’t mind stepping up to the plate. I was already the outsider. Tell you the truth, it was kind of a relief being allowed to say whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

People might take this as a sign of contempt for my fellow pack mates but really, if you thought about it long enough, stared at it until the lines started to blur, it was really a sign of love. Makes perfect sense.

However, there is always an exception to every rule. One person who I really did feel contempt towards. He was the only one who didn’t try to make me feel better for being the only bitch among dogs, who ardently ignored Sam’s orders to “be nice” as often as he could. And boy, did I make him pay for it.

“Alright guys pair up!” we’d hear the silent command inside our minds.

Paul & Jared.

Quil & Jacob.

Brady & Colin.

Sam would sidle over to Seth in order to avoid that awkward situation.

That left…

“Oh fuck no! Somebody swap!!” he would complain aversively.

I’d smirk. “Hey Embry. Who’s your daddy?” And I meant those words, smiling slightly as I felt the sting of them hitting home every time.

I don’t know who started it. Whether I had started hating him first or the other way around. But it was reliable and stable, just like any good relationship. I can’t speak for him but I know I got some kind of sick pleasure out of its predictability.

It was a chance to let off steam, to inflict pain on someone else so I wouldn’t have to deal with my own and all that other psychoanalytical bullshit.

Then suddenly, things began to change. He started acting weird. No strike that, he started acting nice.

It started out with these random compliments. He’d tell me I was looking less haggish than usual that day or that my fighting technique was improving.

I would tell him to “fuck off and find his daddy” but he no longer winced or attempted to fight back. He would just look at me. It was around that time that I suddenly noticed that his eyes, even in wolf-form, had flecks of green through them.

But the attention did not stop there and it definitely did not slow down. He started asking me could he come around and “hang out”, I was shocked into saying yes.

All we’d ever do is watch TV, or simultaneously fall asleep on the floor watching TV. Sometimes we’d even talk.

He became more friendly with Seth too. Offering to lend him old assignments, giving him dirt bike lessons, paying him more attention than he did the other younger pack members.

I didn’t like to entertain the thought, but couldn’t seem to get it out of my head that he was doing it because of me.

It wasn’t long before he was staying over for dinner every other night. My mom found him quietly charming, just like everyone else did.

I started to notice things too.

He would look at me sometimes. He didn’t realize that I noticed. Sometimes I don’t think he was even aware that he was doing it. Kind of like he was staring into space in my general direction. Always in my direction. It made me shift around uneasily and crack my knuckles.

His voice was throaty and low, with a slow timeless quality to it. The way he talked kind of reminded me of the voice my father had once used when he read me bedtime stories. The one that was crafted to lull me to sleep.

He wasn’t the best looking among the pack. He wasn’t handsome like Jacob or beautiful like Sam. His legs were too long and his hair too neat. He carried himself with an awkward hunch which he had carried over from when he was a gangly teen. His nose was too straight and his eyes had that strange green quality to them, though I couldn’t quite picture what they reminded me off. He couldn’t even smile properly for God’s sake! Just sort of quirk the corner of his lips, hinting at happiness or amusement or satisfaction.

None of these observations could offer an explanation as to why butterflies now assaulted my stomach whenever I looked at him these days. It didn’t make any sense.

He would ask me about my father sometimes. It felt good to talk. I wasn’t afraid with him. Poor guy didn’t have much of anything to compare and judge me by. I think he enjoyed it too. Judging by the way his eyes would light up when I would tell him an amusing anecdote about Harry.

One day it dawned on me that I liked Embry Call, much more than I should. It was like a cartoon piano dropping on my head. I don’t know when it had started or why. The feelings I had around him, they weren’t normal feelings, they were like nothing I had felt before. There was no explanation, no words, it just was. I was sure that he felt them too. It was in those strange eyes of his.

And yet, he didn’t do anything about them. Life went on as usual. Him, Seth and I squashed into our living room watching movies, playful jabs made at each other while patrolling, people making assumptions about us behind our backs. It was all I could do not to let certain thoughts slip when we were phased. He was much better at it than I. He kept deceptively coy. Not even an anonymous note on Valentine’s Day. I was disgusted with myself when I realised I was disappointed that he didn’t seem to fantasise about my body anymore than the other guys did. Though to their credit, my boys were getting better at hiding that from me. Maybe it was just shyness… or fear of rejection.

I decided to be proactive one day.

I was on one end of the couch, he was on the other. We were watching TV. Well… he was. I was watching him. He was endearingly oblivious.

His arm was stretched out along the top of the couch. I started out at his wrist, and slowly began to trace the veins along his arm, moving closer to him. He twitched but didn’t move.

“What are you doing?” his gaze flickered between me and the TV.

“Nothing” I replied as I noticed his bicep quiver as my fingers dipped into the curve of his elbow.

“Quit it Leah, that tickles” a confused frown appeared on his face.

I smiled innocently. Well I tried to anyway. “I’m just tracing you,” I murmured as my fingers trailed along his shoulder, sunk into his collarbone and started down along his other arm. I was leaning across him now, the heat radiating from his chest clashing and dancing with mine.

My fingers finished their journey by curling over his hand which was resting on the remote on the arm of the couch.

I switched the TV off. Embry was looking at me, still in confusion.

I stared right back at him as I brought my knee over and straddled his perfectly still sitting figure.

“Leah… wha-?”

I silenced his words with my mouth as I grabbed for his face. I poured everything I had into that kiss. I had caught him mid-word and so my tongue slipped into his hot mouth with ease as I sunk myself more deeply into the kiss.

But something was wrong. I could feel his hands in my hair. They were tugging, pulling. Only in the wrong direction. I was being dragged away. I was so shocked that the moment I hesitated slightly, he wrenched my face away from his. Our lips parted with a strangled moan. I think it came from him.

“Leah!” he panted. “What the fuck?! Oh fuck I’m so sorry!! Fuck! Why did you do that?? Fuck fuck how did I let this happen?! I’m so sorry!”

“Why are you apologizing!” I demanded. “It’s natural Embry. We have feelings for each other. It’s what you do when that happens!”

“No no no, this wasn’t supposed to happen!” he was pushing me out of his lap now and I was becoming severely pissed off. Still, my instincts jumped at the challenge.

“You got some sexuality issues or something?” I smirked leaning beside him on the couch grinning maliciously.

“No I don’t!” he snapped looking straight ahead, breathing heavily through his nose.

“Then I see nothing wrong with it” I whispered coyly, leaning in to graze my lips along his neck.

He jerked away. “Oh everything is so so wrong about this,” he said pushing me away so forcefully that I fell back against the opposite arm of the couch. Ok now I was losing my cool.

“What’s your fucking problem Call!! I thought you liked me!!”

He turned to me then, his face full of unreadable emotion.

“Oh Leah, shit! I’m so sorry. Don’t be like that. I do like you I do! Just not like that…”

I looked into those strange green-brown eyes. That look was back. That pleading look. Like he was asking something of me.

“I think your wrong,” I murmured with as much intensity as I could muster, as I leant towards him again.

“Leah please…” his eyes widened with the whispered plea. My lips were just about to graze against his. “You’re my sister.”

I stopped. Embry cringed away from me.

“What did you say?” the words trembled in my mouth.

Embry looked genuinely scared. “Y-you’re my sister. Half. Leah, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to tell you. I knew it would upset you. I-”.

SMACK. That was the sound of my fist crunching through his jaw. He flew off the couch knocking over the coffee table.

“Get the fuck out of my house!!” I screamed.

“Leah please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I just wanted to be closer to you. Closer to my family.”

“Shut up you fucking liar! Get out of my house before I fucking kill you!!” I bellowed chucking the glass bowl of popcorn we had been eating out of at him.

It smashed over his head scattering the remnants of buttery confectionary everywhere. He staggered to his feet and started backing towards the door. Hot tears were blinding my eyes but I wasn’t done with him yet.

“Please don’t tell Seth” Embry was begging. “I don’t know want him to hate me too.”

“You shut your mouth! Don’t you dare go anywhere near me or my brother! You fucking hear me!! Why don’t you go jump off a cliff! You and your tramp of a mother! Go and find your fucking daddy!!”

He was backed against the front door now. Nursing the split on his forehead that was spurting blood between his fingers.

His eyes were on me, giving me that look that I had become so accustomed to. That I had begun to… love. I felt like throwing up.

It was with solemn resignation that he whispered one last apology before letting himself out through the screen door and disappearing.

I punched a fist through the plaster of our wall. I had to keep in control. I couldn’t phase. Nobody could know about this. THAT FUCKING LIAR!!! IT WASN’T TRUE!! IT COULDN’T BE TRUE!!

But even as I kicked over the coffee table, sending it pin wheeling across the room, I knew it in my heart. Even as I slipped on popcorn and collapsed to the ground, spraining my wrist as it flung out to catch my weight, I knew it was true.

The grand mystery of Embry’s birth father had finally been solved.

It was in the eyes. The enchanting green eyes of my grandmother. The eyes of my father. As much as my mind fought it, the floodgates had been opened and all of the things that had never quite fit suddenly slotted into place. Like nails on a chalkboard, the thoughts raked at my skin.

How could he do this to me??

And it wasn’t Embry I was thinking of.

Who’s your daddy Leah? Who’s your fucking daddy?

Sorry Leah. Too interesting a concept to pass up. Hope you people liked. Feedback welcome. :)

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