Unity - Chapter 12

Feb 14, 2010 11:44

So, despite many, many delays, some of which being caused by the characters, this is the chapter with actual porn. It's taken a long time, but I've finally gotten there. The story isn't over after this, because this thing has a plot now, so expect more. Also, Happy Valentine's Day! I didn't quite mean this to hit two holidays. Enjoy!

Title: Unity
Part: 12 of 18-21
Word Count: 4312 (of this part)
Warnings: Implied sex, actual sex, orc/human, mentioned death and suicide, angst. This chapter's warning is for orc/human, heterosexual porn.
Pairings: Mentioned Thrall/Others, primarily Thrall/Jaina. Mentioned past Arthas/Jaina and past one-sided Kael/Jaina. For this part, explicit Thrall/Jaina. Ooh. Explicit.
Summary: Lover's Day approaches, and Thrall plans to make his day with Jaina perfect.

Previous Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Stormcaller Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Epilogue

"Thrall, are you alright?" Jaina called, though her voice was faint. Thrall ducked behind the charred remains of a tree, and a cloud of steam burst past where he had been standing.

"I'm somewhat busy," Thrall said, his tone as apologetic as he could make it. "You recall the air and water elementals that fled from the Stone?"

"Of course I do," Jaina replied. "I have a lot to tell you about how that went. What about them?"

"They went further west, and went to Stonetalon... and they're fighting with the earth and--" Thrall ducked around again, though this time from a stray boulder, accelerated by striking a whirlwind. "--fire elementals."

"Oh dear," Jaina said. "Contact me when you're done in Stonetalon? I'll look forward to it."

"Of course," Thrall replied. He tucked the rune into his armour, and turned.

"Warchief, we must stop them," Sergra called, and Thrall nodded to her. There were other shamans here -- tauren, orc, and a young troll -- and he gestured. He took Sergra's hand and that of one of the tauren, Tonma Lightninghoof, and began to chant.

Spirits of earth, stay your hands. Spirits of fire, lower your flames. Spirits of water, be at low tide. Spirits of air, be a sweet breeze, Thrall called to them. There is no war here, no conflict. Just confusion and mistakes.

They have invaded our lands and attacked us, sizzled the fire elementals. They seek to extinguish us, and we will not let them!

They ambushed us on the way to the far sea! burbled the water elementals. We did nothing to harm them and yet they tried to evaporate us! We will not stand for it!

This is all a misunderstanding, Thrall told them, keeping his mental voice soothing. The water and air elementals did intend on traveling across Kalimdor, but without harming anyone. I specified that they were to be careful of the people who lived here, but I had not considered your presence, and I am sorry. They have escaped from an artifact that attempted to control them. If both sides could cease their extinguishing and evaporating, I believe the water and air elementals can be on their way.

Thrall felt a trickle of moisture along his back, and the breeze picked it up to make him shiver, while there was a feeling of near-searing heat across his arms, and the ground rumbled under his feet, but he stood his ground, waiting patiently.

Very well, they may go, and trouble us no more, the fire elementals crackled sulkily. But they must promise not to soak us.

If they promise not to disperse us with flames, we will depart immediately, we wish to return to the sea, the water elementals bubbled swiftly. We will not waste droplets on such hot-tempered creatures.

It is so, the fire elementals snapped, and Thrall turned to the earth and air elementals, both of which had participated, but not spoken.

What of you, solid ones and ephemeral ones? Thrall asked. You have been silent.

Wind carries water, and we are heavy with it, the wind elementals sighed. We wish to rest, and we are content with this resolution.

Earth supports fire, and we burn with it, the earth elementals rumbled. The sooner this is resolved, the cooler we will be. We are content with your wisdom, mortal.

I am glad. Thank you for your patience, and listening to my words. Go in peace, friends, Thrall said, and around him, the chanting shifted, and he opened his eyes. They were all soaked with water, and half-covered in mud, while parts of their armour and hair were singed, and one of the shaman was mourning the loss of his eyebrows. Thrall dropped their hands, and stumbled a little. Sergra took his arm.

"Well mediated, Warchief," she murmured. "And just in time, too. You can find a Lover's Day gift for Jaina before the day is marked by goblins setting off pink fireworks all over Orgrimmar."

"Lover's Day?" Thrall repeated, blinking at her tiredly, and she laughed, though not unkindly.

"You were the one telling us that these holidays were important, you'd think you remember this one," Sergra said, her tone one of barely suppressed mirth. "You'll recall it from last year, it's the holiday with all the pink and red, and that goblin that came by. The one dressed in the white dress-thing, with the wings, and the silver bow. He shot Runthak with it, and when he was chasing him, he ran straight into Gryshka, and they've been mated for half a year."

"Perhaps Kwee Peddlefeet's claims of having magical arrows aren't entirely off," Thrall murmured. "I forgot, things have been busy..." He frowned. "Sergra, you won't be lonely, will you?"

"I?" Sergra snorted. "I have plans. You might not have them for much longer if you don't take care of your mate." She slapped his back lightly. "I suggest something grand. You are our Warchief, after all. Something really..."

I think that I would rather go back to the elementals, Thrall thought, and when Sergra caught his expression, she laughed, and slapped him on the back again.

~ * ~

"Warchief, there seems to be something... odd... in Stonetusk," Eitrigg said, and Thrall looked up. Garona's admonishments aside, he was finding it harder to concentrate. The goblins had arrived early, and the scents coming in from the Valley of Strength were overpowering, and the elementals, being how they were, were prone to... overreacting.

A simple request like asking for a slight breeze can cause an isolated tornado, Thrall thought wryly. They will settle in time, once they believe they are safe. "How odd?"

"They report that several of the farmers are being attacked by their fields," Eitrigg said, and the extremely bland look on his face made it no less surreal.

"They... what?"

"Are being attacked by their fields, Warchief," Eitrigg repeated. "They're very distressed."

"I'll see to it," Thrall said, and stood. At least this will get me away from the smell...

"They will be glad to see you," Eitrigg said. "And, Warchief?"

"Yes?" Thrall asked.

"I think she'd prefer blue to pink."

Thrall made a noise deep in his throat, but said nothing.

~ * ~

"Mud elementals?" Jaina said, sounding perplexed. "I've never heard of such a thing."

"It would be more accurate to say that an earth elemental and a water elemental became intertwined, and required separation," Thrall replied wearily. "That took some doing. Earth elementals are slow to anger, but their fury is unmatched by even fire elementals, and water elementals are notoriously difficult to pin down. They don't wish to be contained, and finding themselves trapped in with an earth elemental..." He used a rough towel to take another swipe at the mud that coated his legs, and shifted in the bathtub that seemed to be far too narrow for its purpose. "It was quite messy. I'm sorry, Jaina."

"No, I understand. You sound exhausted. Rest well."

"I will," Thrall said. "I'll see you as soon as I can."

"I know, and I look forward to it," Jaina replied, and Thrall smiled.

That should be the last of it, Thrall decided. Everything will be fine now.

~ * ~

"I didn't think it was that foggy," Thrall admitted. "But I could be wrong, I'm no expert."

"No, it's not that foggy, at least not to an experienced watchman," Jaina said, her tone sharp, even across the distance. Ratchet's harbor stank of fish and of the thick sealant used to secure crates that headed to Booty Bay. "Blaming the weather is shameless... utterly shameless. I'm sorry, Thrall. Please, pass on my apologies. This will not happen again."

"I'll tell Captain Brightsun, I'm sure he'll appreciate it." Thrall glanced over at the Sin'dorei captain who was having a heated -- possibly intimate, it's difficult to discern at times, Jaina would be able to tell -- conversation with his second, Gilthares Firebough. "What are you going to do?"

"Replace the command of Northwatch Hold entirely, to start with," Jaina replied, her tone still stiff and frigid. "They're in a very delicate location, this is the kind of thing that is unforgivable if we're to maintain peace in Kalimdor. They'll all be disciplined." She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, this will take time, and I don't think I'll be able to..."

"No, no, of course. I understand completely," Thrall said, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his heart. "Be well."

"I will."

As Thrall tucked the rune away, Saurfang, who had been discussing the situation with several of the goblin dock workers approached him.

"No?" he asked, and Thrall narrowed his eyes.

"No," he replied curtly. "The situation has upset her, and I don't blame her."

"You know, Warchief, if there's some concern over the size of--"


"--your weapon, she shouldn't be intimidated. In fact, Orgrim could frequently wield it one-handed."

"I'll keep it in mind," Thrall grumbled. Saurfang saluted.

"I live to serve the Horde."

Garona, he could swear, was laughing, and she wasn't even in Ratchet.

~ * ~

"Warchief, are you certain--"

"Yes," Thrall said, and straightened. There were times that he missed his armour. It was thick and concealing, and fit him well, despite the fact that it had once been designed for a different orc. Instead of Doomhammer's legacy, he wore a white shirt, simply woven but well-made, and loose, black trousers. Even this had taken him time, until Shandel'zare had told him that many troll men courted their lovers in thongs or in the nude. It was then that he had made this decision, sending his advisor away with a glare, while she had given him a look of mild amusement. She may as well have cackled at me, then.

Nara, the wise and brave young tauren, had offered Thrall the simple gift of a card, cleverly made from palm leaves and bark, and wished him the very best of luck. Jes'rimmon had offered gestures and Vol'jin potions, both of which he had declined, and the former had caused him to remind Jes'rimmon that Garona was only gone temporarily.

I'm relatively certain I couldn't even manage that, my knees don't bend that way, and I'm sure Jaina's back doesn't, Thrall thought as he paced nervously. In some ways, he missed Garona, even though the last thing he wanted was for her to watch. It was not the act itself that made him nervous, but of course, the person, and the timing. I've been drinking the tea, grassy as it is. Dinner is ready, the bedroom is... Candles, music because the trolls also know how to make music boxes, the bed itself... He looked towards it by reflex, and it was cozy, and well-cleaned and aired, all set for two. Garona is investigating a fortress in Desolace, or she should be. Everything is ready. All that's missing is...

There was a soft chiming, and Thrall pushed back his nervousness and looked towards the spinning symbols that heralded Jaina's arrival. She wore white robes, and while they covered her neck and wrists, the material clung, giving Thrall a perfect idea of what was underneath.

"Jaina," he said, and was surprised by how breathless he sounded. Jaina smiled at him warmly, and offered her hand.

"Thrall," she replied. "Happy Lover's day. I'm so glad to be here."

"It's been busy," he admitted, and took her hand, putting an arm around her to lead her to the table. "I wasn't sure if we'd make it."

"Nor was I, I think all manner of minor disasters conspired to keep me away," she said, and sat when he pulled out her chair. "I've told them I'm not to be disturbed. Not tonight."

"No," Thrall agreed, touching her cheek briefly. "Not tonight." He turned to the orc woman who was standing, waiting. "Thank you for being patient, Drayna. Could you bring dinner, and then you're free to go for the evening." She nodded once, and he turned back to Jaina. "I hope you'll enjoy it."

"I think I will," Jaina replied sincerely.

~ * ~

"...so, as it turned out, a naga priestess had captured the new Champion of the Tides, and was using him to try and flood portions of the coast in an effort to expand the ocean. She'd collected makrura and murloc slaves, so we freed them. Tandred wasn't keen on it at first, but I explained that they were slaves and largely helpless, and it would be a different matter if they attacked us afterwards. The makrura did help us get into the deeper part of the catacombs, and I'm hoping that in the future, I can accommodate visits from Ach'lwn and his people. The murlocs fled, though I don't think they'll trouble us, unless they get caught again." Jaina's face glowed with pride, and Thrall let his hand rest on her knee. She smiled at him, and silence stretched, and Thrall's touch shifted, just slightly.

"I'm glad that it all worked out, though the elementals will take some time yet to properly calm," Thrall said. "You and your brother are getting along?"

"That's not quite how we put it, but I think he understands, now." Jaina let her hand rest on top of Thrall's, and something fell against his hand. He glanced down and saw that Jaina wore a bracelet of some kind, wrapped around her wrist. It had unfamiliar rune on it, and the token glowed with soft blue light.

"What's this?" Thrall asked, and took her hand in his, tracing over her palm. She shivered slightly, and he thought to ask if she was cold, but from her expression, realized that it wasn't from cold, and smiled.

"It's a ward against pregnancy," Jaina replied. "These ones are expensive and magical, but all well-born men and women have them, just in case..."

"Just in case," Thrall commented, and lifted her palm to his mouth, lipping over it. "We have tea."

"The... some drink a tea as well, but they're sometimes prone to error if people are careless..." She made a soft noise. "Thrall..."

"Would you care to join me in my bed, Lady Proudmoore?" Thrall asked, carefully ignoring his own reaction. "I believe there's still dessert."

"I think I can wait on dessert, for a time," she replied, and in a swift motion, moved into his arms, kissing him firmly. Thrall made a low sound in return, letting his hands roam up her back as he opened up his mouth to the tongue that pushed against his lips.

Slowly, Thrall stood, his arms still around Jaina. One of his hands moved up her back, pulling lightly at the fastening of her robe, and her hands moved around his waist, tugging the carefully selected shirt up. He tilted his head, letting Jaina's tongue explore his mouth, careful so that his tusks didn't pierce her skin. She's kissed me before, but not like this. He smiled against her, remembering how some, very foolish members of his council had once assumed Jaina was the passive type. No, never.

"Thrall..." she murmured against his lips. "We need to..."

Wordlessly, he shifted his hands, sliding one to her knees, and the other to her shoulders, and lifted her into his arms. He carried her to the bed, and set her down on the edge. She looked up at him, smiling as she slipped out of her robes, baring her breasts. He moved, and she stopped him, her touch light.

"Let me undress you," she said, and he nodded. Her hands moved to his waist, and tugged up the front of his shirt, and he felt her fingers caress his stomach, tracing lightly over some of the scars there, and then Jaina moved to undo his shirt from the bottom. Thrall let his hands rest lightly on her shoulders, and she shifted to kneel on the bed, giving her more height. He hissed when she brushed her lips against his stomach, tickling the hairs there as she worked up and up, and a slight tug was all it took for his shirt to fall around his shoulders.

"Jaina..." Thrall groaned. She smiled, and her hands ran down his chest again, to the fastenings of his pants, and cupped his rapidly hardening member briefly. She unlaced his pants slowly, and let him push them the rest of the way down.

"I told you I would," Jaina said, and moved back so that he could lie down. He stepped out of the pooled black material, and climbed into bed, laying beside her. For a moment, they stared at each other.

It's not as if I've never seen a woman naked before, a small part of Thrall reasoned while the rest of him took in the sight before him. It's not even as if I've never seen Jaina without most of her clothes on, but never... like this.

The candles brought just enough flickering light into the room so that he could see Jaina's face, her bright blue eyes and slightly parted pink lips, and the shimmering golden locks of her hair. He reached forward, and put a hand on her arm. He felt the softness of her skin, and moved his hand down to the curve of her breast, thumbing over the soft, pink nipple that was already half-hard. At the soft noise she made, he continued, rolling the nub between thumb and forefinger slowly, watching her expression shift.

"That feels good?" Thrall asked, his voice low, and Jaina nodded rapidly.

"Yes... and let's see if..." One of her hands moved, and Thrall felt her squeeze his own nipple, and he hissed involuntarily. The pressure was light, but it sent a shiver across his body and she smiled at his reaction. "That's a yes. Have you ever used your lips to..."

"Oh, yes," Thrall said, and shifted down, cupping her breast as he brought her nipple to his lips. She cried out softly, her own fingers tightening their hold on him slightly, and he began to suck at her nipple, gently squeezing her breast as his lips and tongue worked. One arm worked its way around Thrall's shoulder, and cupped the back of his head, stroking the back of it as he worked, and Jaina's breath came out in soft, needy moans. Her other hand continued to pinch and squeeze, and then her fingers tangled in the hairs of his chest, tugging lightly, and Thrall groaned against her.

"O-other one," Jaina whispered, and Thrall nodded, offering her other breast the same treatment. His hand released her breast, and traced down her stomach, touching lightly over her navel, and then, with a pause he was certain was palpable, he let his hand rest on her thigh. "Don't stop... Thrall..."

Carefully, he shifted her, holding her against his chest, and slid his hand up, stroking at the inside of her thigh. He kissed her shoulder, and her neck, and smiled at her briefly. "I won't." Watching her expression closely, he nudged her thighs apart, and she hooked a leg around one of his.

"You'll let me know if I hurt you?" Thrall said, and Jaina gave him a look that might have had a hint of impatience in it. He chuckled at her expression, and stroked once over her entrance, and annoyance melted into need. Deciding that was answer enough, he held her, one hand on a breast, the other exploring the entrance that was already slick. Pushing one of his fingers inside of her, he let his thumb rest against the nub of her clit, and she cried out softly at the first full thrusting motion. He kissed her shoulder, and began to move again, only to feel her fingers curl around his shaft, and stroke him in perfect time. He groaned, and thrust against her hand.

"A-am I hurting you?" Jaina asked, between thrusts, and he began to understand why she had given him that impatient look.

"No, of course not," he managed, and their next thrusts were in unison. "You couldn't..."

"Then don't w-worry about me," she said, and tilted her head, kissing him firmly. She squeezed his length, and he grabbed for her with his free hand. A light touch was all Jaina needed to push Thrall onto his back, and he found himself looking up, into her eyes as she moved over him. "I want you, Thrall."

"You said you had a spell, to make this easier," he said, his heart thundering. His fingers slipped out of her, and he gripped the bed instead while she toyed with him. "I don't imagine you intend to shrink me."

"No," she said, the soft laughter mixing with lust. She set her other hand against his shaft, and he felt her palms go slick, and then both of them moved, and he thrust against her hands.

"A... a lubricant. Clever," Thrall managed. "You're certain this will... will work?"

"I think the proof will be in the testing." She released him, and shifted, straddling him firmly. His hands came up, to run down her back and sides, and to cup the curves of her hips. He pressed his erection against her slick entrance, and with a single, practice thrust, he moved into her, and she accepted him. He watched her closely as she eased him in. It was an exercise in patience, one that he was more than willing to participate in. Her expression shifted half a dozen times as she sank onto him, and he met the last of it with a thrust, and she gasped. She leaned forward a little, and her hands found his forearms, and they were still slick when she held him, digging her fingers in a little.

"You're alright?" Thrall asked, anxiousness breaking through the haze of lust. "It doesn't hurt?" She squeezed his arms a little, and his erection throbbed in response to it. He noticed that her eyes were closed, though it was difficult to say if it was in concentration or pleasure. Perhaps some combination of the two--

She rocked against him, and encouraged by this, he met her motion with a thrust, slow and gentle. His hands rested on her hips, stroking little patterns along her lower back with his thumb, in response to the sensation, she moved against him, her urgency demanding a slightly faster pace.

So be it. He smiled, and let his head tilt back, and the next thrust came faster, and she met it, her fingers scrabbling against his arms. His movements became steady, and they moved together, faster and faster. She shifted against him, suddenly, and recognizing it for what it was, he thrust again, and again, and when her fingers squeezed him to the point of bruising, and his name tumbled from her lips in a ringing cry, he felt his heart swell. I've done it, I--

She shifted suddenly, kissing him hard. The movement caused a shudder within him, and he released with a roar, half-muffled by the kiss. His hands moved, and he held her against his chest, kissing her as his hips pumped. The kiss left him breathless, and he needed to pause for air. Inhaling brought in the scent of their coupling. He touched her cheek, and was almost, but not quite, surprised to find that his fingers were shaking.

"That was..." Thrall began, only to find Jaina had begun the same sentence. They stopped, stared at each other for a moment, and laughed softly. She eased off of him, and curled against his chest. She's... small. When did she become this small? He stroked her hair, and considered it. Jaina seemed bigger because she's a part of my world, he realized. I do not hesitate to think of her when I have a question about arcane magic, though no doubt Shandel'zare would answer any query I have, because that's her job. She is not a shadow warrior the way Garona and Jes'rimmon are, not a druid, not a shaman, nor a witch doctor. She's a warrior, though not the way Eitrigg and Varok are-- He gave the human woman in his arm a startled look. I give her the same consideration as my advisors, when did this...

His hands didn't falter, even as his mind raced. Since Theramore, it must have been. Every time I try to remember a time when I didn't trust Jaina as much as those who advise me, I think of an earlier time when I did. It's... remarkable, really. He smiled. Or perhaps not. I love her. He froze.

"Thrall, is something wrong?" Jaina asked sleepily, nuzzling against his shoulder. "You aren't having an allergic reaction to the spell, are you? It happens sometimes, I should have tested it..."

"No, I'm fine." He kissed her gently. "You should sleep, if you're tired."

She nodded against him, and with a single gesture, extinguished the candles. The tiny elementals in them expressed mild indignation, but Thrall was too dazed even to comfort them.

I love her. I love her. Why must these revelations sneak up on me, like Garona at her most mischievous? The thought of Garona reminded him of the lectures he'd been given about finding an appropriate mate, and if it had frustrated him before, he found the notion of doing this with someone else, anyone else to be, if not repellent, then wholly unappealing. I said that there would be no pressure on her, no promises, but... can I keep my word on that? He let his hand rest against her back, and gave himself the stern, mental order to move it. When he could not even respond to this simplest of requests, he sighed. I must tell her, and if she doesn't feel similarly... His heart twisted. I'm not sure if I want her to, or not. It would hurt if she didn't love me back, there is no question of that. It would be safer for her, though. There are some who would not understand this. Could never, though I wish they could. "Jaina?"

No response, though there was a sleepy murmur. In the unbroken darkness he traced the line of her cheek, to her lips, and then to her chin. She didn't stir, and he smiled. "I love you, Jaina Proudmoore." The quiet silence filled with those words, overwhelming the soft music for an instant before they were swallowed by it. I like how that sounds, he decided. I'll ask her, very soon.

It was with that thought that he fell asleep.

Unity Sidestory: Linguistics

warcraft*, warcraft pairings: thrall/jaina

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