Snagged know.
"Have you ever just wanted to write someone something, but have no idea of what they would like? Maybe you want to surprise them, and asking them for a request would take the fun out of it. Even better, you could have all of your favorite fic ideas out there so when you're having a bad day, your friends could just pick from the list and brighten it up.
The Fic Wish List Meme
Ganked from no one, because I'm starting it.
Rules: List 1-10 pairings/prompts that you have been dying to read. Maybe it's a really rare pairing or something you've requested on any of the past smut memes which haven't been fulfilled. When you see this posted on your friends' journals, you may do one of the following:
- Write it.
- Link to one that's already been written, whether by you or someone else.
- Nothing, but karma will get you. >_>
There are no length or rating limits, and prompts may be duplicated (PLEASE). Be specific in your prompts particularly in reference to preferred smut content, seme/uke order, and any other requirements that may hinder your appreciation of the fic.
For example, I will state now that I wish for none of mine to be established relationship or alternate universe. Or emo, or boys acting like stupid lovesick teenage girls.
There is no deadline for this, but once your ten prompts have been written to your satisfaction you are welcome to make a new post starting over. You may write your own prompts if you want. If your tastes change, you can certainly switch out one prompt for another at any time."
In an effort to spread the love, I'm posting here for you guys that write. ^^ Original post
~My Wish List~
Note: No established, please. Order of pairing is seme/uke unless otherwise state. Porn appreciated, but not a must. ^^
1.) [KAT-TUN/NewS] Junno/Ryo: Ryo seemed a little too earnest during the Mr. Romance contest, and Junno confronts Ryo to see if his hunch is correct.
2.) [NewS/KAT-TUN] Ryo/Kame: I don't care as long as Kame gets it in the face, he likes it, and Ryo licks it off. That is all I want. XD
3.) [NewS/KAT-TUN] Yamapi/Jin: There are four things that are important to Jin. Food, sex, Pi, and Pin. All he really wants is the third to love him back despite what people think of him. Yes, I want sap. Shut up.
4.) [KinKi Kids] Tsuyoshi/Koichi (order doesn't matter): Koichi is tired of Tsuyoshi's constant emoing and decides to distract him from it.
5.) [KAT-TUN]Junno/Ueda: In water, fully clothed, and Ueda can only call him Taguchi. Other than that, have fun with it. ^^; (And no it doesn't have to be porn. Even a kiss is fine. ^_^)
6.) [NewS] Koyama/Ryo (order doesn't matter): Koyama's a little slutty and willing to do just about anything in the name of member-ai. Ryo is frustrated.
7.) [X Japan/Dir en Grey] Yoshiki/Shinya: Shinya's always admired Yoshiki, but never thought Yoshiki saw as more than the baby of Diru. Maybe he was wrong?
8.) [KAT-TUN] Jinnifer/Junno (Order doesn't matter): Um...surprise me? I just get a kick out of this pairing.
9.) [KinKi Kids/KAT-TUN] Koichi/Jin: At some point Jin has to apologies.
10.) [Kanjani8] Hina/Okura: Okura really just wanted Hina to shut the hell up. He didn't expect Hina's reaction...
Please spread the love on your flists! It's hard to make new friends when you don't take risks. ^^