Title: Idle Thoughts Summary: "It's like that fantasy I keep having..." Spoilers and Warnings: Largely inspired by chapters 42 and 47 of Saiyuki. Present tense, very short, possibly crappy.
Title: Night Before Sleep Summary: Quatre tries to fall asleep Warnings: Trowa/Quatre, established relationship, dodgy metaphors, 5 words too long to be a drabble
Title: Fairy Princess Summary: She does not wake with loving kisses or wait to be rescued. Spoilers: For everything. Rating: PG Notes: Birthday drabble for seraphcelene
Title: Infinite Jest and Wisdom Author: Tha Wrecka (scorpionightmare@yahoo.com) Summary: There are no safe houses. Rating: R, for sexual situations Notes: If the writing sucks or this contradicts canon tell me. I'm still feeling things out in this fandom (read: I have no idea what I'm doing) so I need all the help I can get. Characterisation is
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Title: The Terrible Sock Catastrophe Author: Tha Wrecka (scorpionightmare@yahoo.com) Rating: PG Summary: Little Sirius is overwhelming. Little Remus freaks out. Distribution: Just ask.