fic: clockwork [block b, bjae, nc-17]

Mar 13, 2012 19:02

block b; bjae; nc-17; 3100
jaehyo is the stretch of the sunset and minhyuk is a little more than just in love.


“But I hate instant coffee,” Jaehyo whines and Minhyuk rolls his eyes. They’re standing in the breakfast aisle, the store absolutely empty because Jaehyo refuses to go grocery shopping unless it’s in the dead of the night.

Minhyuk feels slightly sorry for the employees who have to work the overnight shift but Jaehyo always tells him that they’re the ones who applied to work at a 24/7 grocery store.

“Yes, well, I don’t think anyone likes it,” Minhyuk retorts, taking the canister of coffee out of Jaeyho’s hand and placing it inside their grocery cart. “But until we get around to purchasing a new coffee machine, your highness is going to have to deal.”

Jaehyo pouts, eyes pleading and miserable but Minhyuk hasn’t spent five years with Jaehyo without building some immunity to the puppy dog looks. “Come on, we can buy the sugary cereal.”

His face lights up and Minhyuk thinks that Jaehyo might trip over his own feet in his rush to get to the cereal. God, when did he start dating a five year old?

Jaehyo can’t cook. He can bake the best fucking cake in the world but somehow, whenever he decides to make something not oven related, it ends less than spectacularly. It’s not that his food isn’t edible, it is and it’s better than whatever burnt ashes Jiho comes up with but it’s not the buttermilk pancakes and French toast Minhyuk creates.

Except getting Minhyuk to make him breakfast is like trying to get Taeil to do some aegyo, near impossible. Jaehyo doesn’t understand how Minhyuk can waste such a talent but at the end of the day, Minhyuk is far more fond of eating than cooking.

But three year anniversaries only come once, as Jaehyo had explained very pointedly to Minhyuk when they’d been in the shower last night and Minhyuk was always so agreeable when Jaehyo had his dick in his mouth.

“Professor Ahn, sounds pretty fancy, huh?” Jaehyo smiles at him, failing to tie his own tie.

Minhyuk walks over, already dressed for work in his usual black suit. “Yeah, if only this professor knew how to tie a tie too.”

Jaehyo scowls at him but lets Minhyuk shove his hands aside to tie the tie himself. Minhyuk is just the slightest bit shorter than Jaehyo, something Minhyuk notices all the time, something Minhyuk noticed the first time he’d kissed Jaehyo.

“You’re so mean,” Jaehyo whines, making a childish face at Minhyuk.

“Now is this any way for the new English literature professor to act?” Minhyuk scolds, fixing Jaehyo’s collar.

“I made you a cake when you got your promotion, you know,” Jaehyo reminds Minhyuk.

“You did, it was pretty delicious too.”

“And here you are, teasing me about my inability to tie a tie.”

“I’m just so mean,” Minhyuk whispers, pulling Jaehyo closer by the same tie. Jaehyo grins, eyes wicked.

“Just the meanest,” he murmurs against Minhyuk’s ready mouth. He still tastes like the orange juice he had for breakfast.

“Mmm,” Minhyuk hums, a hand wrapping around Jaehyo’s waist. “Do you think Professor Jaehyo’ll get in trouble if he’s a little late for his first day of work?”

“Maybe,” Jaehyo answers, taking Minhyuk’s bottom lip between his own and sucking. Minhyuk moans, fingers itching to unbuckle Jaehyo’s belt. Just as he reaches for it, Jaehyo breaks away. “Can’t be taking that risk, now can I?”

He laughs shamelessly, grabbing the suitcase he prepared the night before off of the bed. “Maybe this professor will be generous enough to continue this after class.”

“Tease,” Minhyuk mutters, leaving the bedroom. Jaehyo’s still laughing behind him as Minhyuk grabs their car keys to drive Jaehyo to the university and then himself to work.

The first time Minhyuk gets sick, Jaehyo learns that Minhyuk can be incredibly needy. Jaehyo gets sick every few months; Minhyuk says he has a tri-monthly cycle but Minhyuk gets sick every blue moon. The thing is that Minhyuk babies him each and every single time so Minhyuk clinging and wanting Jaehyo all the time is both flattering and overwhelming all at once.

“Jaehyo,” Minhyuk whines, drawing out Jaehyo’s name like a child. “Jaehyo, it hurts.”

“What hurts,” Jaehyo asks, distractedly while he tries to pour Minhyuk a bowl of the chicken noodle soup he’s just made.

“Everything,” Minhyuk answers, and this is followed by some rather loud sniffles. Jaehyo can’t help but smile.

“Aw, my poor baby,” Jaehyo coos, bringing the soup towards his ailing boyfriend who has taken to using the living room couch as his bed.

When Jaehyo finally reaches the couch, he finds Minhyuk wrapped in about three blankets, head poking out from the top. His hair is a mess of black and Jaehyo can’t help but mess it up a little more. Minhyuk doesn’t make a sound but his he wiggles up on the couch, letting his blankets drop to just below his chin.

“You’re here,” he says, and Jaehyo can’t remember the last time Minhyuk has sounded so innocent and vulnerable. His heart aches in the most horrible way, and he presses his hand against Minhyuk’s forehead. The fever he knows is there burns against his skin.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Jaehyo says, voice soft.

Minhyuk bops his head, and shuffles a little on the couch to give Jaehyo a spot of space to sit down. “I know but I really like you so I worry sometimes.”

Jaehyo smiles a little sadly, as he fits into the little spot Minhyuk’s given him. His boyfriend almost curls into his lap, a small cough escaping him. Jaehyo pets his hair, eyeing the soup he’s brought. It’s still probably too hot for Minhyuk so he waits a little longer. “You shouldn’t. After all, I like Minhyuk-sshi the best.”

The smile that curls at the corners of Minhyuk’s lips, curls against Jaehyo’s heart as well, and Jaehyo hopes that he’s the only one Minhyuk’s ever been this open with. “You’re so cheesy.”

Jaehyo laughs, giving Minhyuk’s cheek a little pinch. “And you’re a brat.”

Minhyuk hums in agreement, eyes fluttering shut. Jaehyo knows he should tell Minhyuk not to fall asleep but he lets him, his fingers never ceasing in their pressing of soft circles against the base of his neck.

His sweater, his favourite white sweater that he bought in Japan when Jaehyo had dragged him to a local bazaar is two sizes too small. Minhyuk thinks he might cry.

“Jaehyo, Jaehyo!” Minhyuk shouts, upset and disappointed all at once. This is why he told Jaehyo not to do his laundry. It wasn’t such a difficult request, in Minhyuk’s opinion but Jaehyo just has to help with everything.

“Are you okay?” Jaehyo asks, as he enters their bedroom, where Minhyuk is standing in front of the mirror, staring at how stupid he looks in his sweater. Minhyuk catches the stifled snicker that comes out of Jaehyo and gives him an incredulous look.

“Its air dry only!” Minhyuk exclaims, grabbing his sweater and shaking it as if Jaehyo wouldn’t know what he was talking about. “And you put it in the dryer, didn’t you? I can do my own laundry, I swear.”

Jaehyo gives him a pointed look, as if Minhyuk’s sweater catastrophe meant nothing to him. “You’re being silly. It’s just a sweater.”

“But it was my favourite,” Minhyuk whines, returning to stare forlornly at his reflection. He lets Jaehyo wrap his arms around him from behind, even leans back a little into the comfort of Jaehyo’s warmth.

“You look cute,” Jaehyo grins, a finger scraping over the revealed flesh of his stomach. Minhyuk makes a low whining noise, not at all embarrassed.

“Aw, baby, you look good in your other clothes too,” Jaehyo says, trying to console him. “But I’m sorry I ruined your sweater.”

Minhyuk makes another sad whimpering noise and Jaehyo presses a kiss right behind his ear. “You look the best in no clothes, though.”


Jaehyo thinks that Minhyuk should know by now how much he hates not being able to sleep in, yet here Minhyuk is, waking him up at five in the morning. There’s a cute little pout on his face, eyes big and wide and Jaehyo knows where this is going.

“I don’t care if you want sex, no,” he tells Minhyuk, and then rolls over in his bed, pulling his covers higher over his head.

When he hears Minhyuk laughing, he turns back to look at his boyfriend who looks more attractive than he really should in such a dimly lit room. “I want to go for a walk.”

Jaehyo stares at Minhyuk, blank and uncomprehending because his Minhyuk didn’t enjoy early morning walks. His Minhyuk didn’t even like evening walks, he just liked to lounge by the window like a cat. “What.”

“It’s nice outside,” Minhyuk offers, an earnest expression on his features.

“It’s also nice in my bed,” Jaehyo retorts but he already knows that he’s not going to fall back asleep even if he tries.

“Please?” Minhyuk pouts, and Jaehyo thinks that Minhyuk’s been spending too much time with Yukwon. There will be words.

“I hate you,” Jaehyo sighs, defeated and Minhyuk lights up, giving Jaehyo a quick kiss. He helps drag Jaehyo out of bed and even has a cardigan ready for him to wear over his t-shirt.

“So you don’t get cold,” Minhyuk explains, sounding almost like Jaehyo’s mother.

“It’s the middle of July.”

“I’m not giving you my hoodie when you complain later about how ‘nippy’ you feel.”

“I said that the one time,” Jaehyo whines, begrudgingly putting on the cardigan.

“And I told you I was never going to let you live it down.” Minhyuk laces his fingers in Jaehyo’s hand and pulls him out of their apartment. Jaehyo lets his boyfriend drag him outside, the morning air a little chilly. He shivers, just the slightest bit but of course Minhyuk catches it and gives him a smug smile.

“Shut up,” Jaehyo grumbles.

“I didn’t say anything,” Minhyuk says, and he wraps his arms around Jaehyo from behind as they begin walking. Jaehyo thinks it’s incredibly awkward but he likes the way Minhyuk’s chin nestles onto his shoulder, and he knows Minhyuk must be a little on his tip toes because Jaehyo’s that little bit taller.

“You were thinking it.”

“I wasn’t aware you were a telepath.”

Jaehyo elbows Minhyuk, not too hard, and laughs when Minhyuk ‘oofs’ before running away as fast he can. It takes Minhyuk seconds to set off after him and Jaehyo thinks it’s a good thing that no one else is out and about for their morning run.

They have this tradition, except it’s not so much a tradition as it is Jaehyo’s insistence that Minhyuk has to play piano for him every Sunday morning. Minhyuk is not even that good at it but Jaehyo always makes sad, pathetic faces at him until he sits down to start playing.

While Minhyuk doesn’t mind playing for Jaehyo, never would really, sometimes he’s reminded of the days when he didn’t have enough money to buy the week’s groceries back in college. His father hadn’t wasted any time kicking him out for failing to go into the sciences but Minhyuk had always enjoyed dance more. Still, it was his ability to play a few musical instruments that got him a gig at the restaurant Jaehyo worked at.

And now, he has Jaehyo, who leans his head against Minhyuk’s shoulder, fingers splayed out over Minhyuk’s thigh. It is in these moments that Minhyuk regrets nothing, resents his father nothing, hurts only in the way his heart aches when Jaehyo smiles at him, just for him.

Jaehyo thinks there are some great ways of waking up in the morning and on the very, absolute top of that list is Minhyuk pressing kisses from the jut of his jaw all the way down to his now half-hard cock. “Is it my birthday?” he asks, eyes barely opening, voice a little scratchy.

Minhyuk just laughs, fingers wrapping around Jaehyo’s length and fisting him to fullness. Jaehyo mewls at the sensation, Minhyuk’s tongue lapping at the head of his cock every few seconds. He receives a little kiss, before Minhyuk swirls his tongue around Jaehyo’s cock, a hand already massaging his balls.

“Mmm,” Jaehyo moans when Minhyuk finally takes Jaehyo’s dick into his mouth. He fists a hand into Minhyuk’s hair, tugging a little bit because he knows Minhyuk likes it. The little groan he gets around his dick when he pushes into Minhyuk’s mouth a little too easily, vibrates up his spine and Jaehyo shivers.

Minhyuk’s head bobs up and down and Jaehyo likes that he barely has to do anything, that a little bit of hair pulling is getting Minhyuk so riled up. But when Minhyuk suddenly stops, Jaehyo whimpers at the loss, pouting down at Minhyuk’s grin.

“Just a sec, babe,” Minhyuk says, pressing a kiss against Jaehyo’s hip. Jaehyo watches as Minhyuk leans over to their nightstand and grabs the tube of lube they keep right next to Jaehyo’s ever growing stack of “light reading.”

Jaehyo spreads his legs open a little wider without Minhyuk nudging them open like usual and he shivers when he feels the coldness of the lube on Minhyuk’s finger pressing against his opening. “Fuck.”

“I should start a swear jar for you,” Minhyuk grins, teeth biting into the flesh of Jaehyo’s thigh as he slides a finger into Jaehyo. He hisses, back nearly arching off the bed. Minhyuk sucks on the bite, his finger sliding in and out of Jaehyo.

“Why don’t you just fuck me?” Jaehyo tells him instead, flushed and already feeling like he’s reached his limit.

“Why would I want to do that?” Minhyuk retorts, swallowing Jaehyo’s cock again. Jaehyo fists his hand into Minhyuk’s hair, whines low and needy when he feels Minhyuk slide a second finger into him. Jaehyo can feel Minhyuk scissoring him open, wants Minhyuk to fuck him already but Minhyuk traces the vein on the underside of his cock with his tongue.

Jaehyo thinks that eventually Minhyuk will stop being such a fucking tease but he gasps, a white hot flash of pleasure washing over him as Minhyuk brushes against his spot. Minhyuk is relentless, and Jaehyo thinks he’s going to come any second now, wonders how in the world he hasn’t torn Minhyuk’s hair right out with how hard he is clutching it.

When Minhyuk growls after a particularly sharp tug, Jaehyo lets out a strangled gasp, hips bucking upwards into Minhyuk’s mouth as he comes, hard and fast. Minhyuk swallows all of it, bottom lip glistening as he pulls away, a satisfied smirk on his lips. Jaehyo pants, ragged and uneven, and lets his grasp on Minhyuk’s hair lighten.

Minhyuk slides his fingers out of Jaehyo and he whimpers at the emptiness but Minhyuk is terribly good at distracting Jaehyo, trailing kisses all the way up Jaehyo’s torso. Finally, when he presses a kiss against Jaehyo’s adam’s apple, Jaehyo takes his face between his hands and kisses Minhyuk, slow and filthy, purposely tugging too hard on his bottom lip.

“Good morning,” Minhyuk mumbles into Jaehyo’s mouth and Jaehyo feels completely spent.

“G’morning,” he whispers back, hand wandering lower to slip past the waistband of Minhyuk’s underwear. He’s leaking hard, and the little satisfied sigh that escapes Minhyuk tells Jaehyo just how desperate he is to get off. Breaking the kiss, Jaehyo sucks on Minhyuk’s earlobe, hand never ceasing as it jacks Minhyuk off.

This Minhyuk, the lazy, easy one is rare and Jaehyo likes him, likes how he unwinds and closes his eyes blissfully, letting out soft sighs as Jaehyo scrapes his teeth against the skin behind Minhyuk’s ear. Likes the way he slides his hand down Jaehyo’s back and spreads his palm flat against the small of his back, pressing him closer.

“Ah,” Minhyuk lets out a choked gasp as he finally comes all over Jaehyo’s hand. Jaehyo doesn’t stop until he’s milked everything out and kisses Minhyuk with the weight of his body, slow and purposeful.

They don’t leave bed that day, a tangle of limbs and thin blankets.

Jaehyo never gets up before Minhyuk so when Minhyuk’s eyes snap open at the coldness of the bed next to him, he’s perplexed. A little worried too, but Minhyuk is anything if not calm.

“Jaehyo,” he calls, and their apartment echoes silence back to him. He frowns, wonders if perhaps Jaehyo is in the bathroom. Throwing the blanket he’d wrapped around himself tighter just seconds ago, Minhyuk pads over to the bathroom. It’s empty.

Minhyuk’s frown deepens.

“Jaehyo?” The apartment remains silent, not even the sound of shuffling feet disturb the quiet. It’s beginning to make Minhyuk’s skin crawl and as he walks out of their bedroom, Minhyuk doesn’t see Jaehyo anywhere.

A sense of panic fills his heart and Minhyuk tells himself to calm down. Just because Jaehyo wasn’t in the apartment on a Sunday morning, didn’t mean he’d been abducted right under Minhyuk’s nose. Absurd theories pushed aside, Minhyuk goes back into the bedroom to grab his cell. He’ll call him and then everything -

The sound of the front door opening rattles in Minhyuk’s ears and he all but bolts out of their room. It’s like every cell in his body is sighing with relief that Jaehyo is safe and whole and not gone.

“Hey sleepyhead,” Jaehyo smiles at Minhyuk when he finally notices him and Minhyuk’s just waiting for his heart to start beating again.

“Hi,” he breathes, the sudden tightness in his chest incomprehensible.

Jaehyo stills in his attempt to take his coat off and hold the coffee in his hands at the same time. He looks a bit concerned, eyebrows furrowing at the sight of Minhyuk. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, of course it is,” Minhyuk answers, a silly smile spreading across his lips. He runs a hand through his hair, recalls that he’s wearing Jaehyo’s favourite pink t-shirt, the one with the ‘the world’s best boyfriend’ written on it. A month ago, Minhyuk would have snorted at Jaehyo but now he really can’t disagree.

“You sure?” Jaehyo doesn’t look even the slightest bit convinced, and Minhyuk can’t be worrying Jaehyo because sometimes his imagination runs away with him.

“Yeah,” Minhyuk repeats, making his way to Jaehyo. He takes the coffee from Jaehyo’s hands and sets it on the small table they have right by the door. Jaehyo opens his mouth to say something but Minhyuk leans in and gives him a soft kiss.

When Jaehyo just melts in his arms, coat slipping off his shoulders, Minhyuk thinks that perhaps he’s a little more than just in love with Jaehyo.

- i love domestic fic more than i can say
- hope you guys enjoyed~

everything is nc-17, !fanfic, pairing: minhyuk/jaehyo, fandom: block b, !oneshot

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