Thank God for Thursday night TV.

May 08, 2008 23:42

So, seeing as how I'm in no real shape to discuss anything that pertains to real life, period, I am going to attempt a fangirl-worthy squee over SPN and The Office. Apologies if it is not as squee-y as usual--I am trying my valiant best.

--Oh, ugh. I have to admit, I was NOT looking forward to this episode in the slightest after seeing the promo ( Read more... )

the office, fangirling, supernatural

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Comments 3

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that_september May 9 2008, 04:53:30 UTC
re: Bela. If she managed to survive, that would be awesome, seriously. I really did like her. D:

re: Hufflepuff. WHY is Dean a Hufflepuff?? I honestly am curious as to why so many stick him there--maybe it's me...I just see so much classic Gryff in him. I see the 'Puff steadfast loyalty, but that's about it when it comes to badger traits.(I love debating this, haha. Maybe I'll come around.)

re: ass-kicking episode. Couldn't agree more. This was kind of refreshing--reminscent of season one. *sighs whimsically* Ah, the good ol' days.


archerstar May 9 2008, 07:24:59 UTC
The only reason I could think of for Bela's wanting her mother dead was that she knew what her husband was doing and didn't do anything to stop him.

I totally agree on the HP sorting front.


pierhias May 9 2008, 15:15:06 UTC
Haha, HP-geeks unite. I had exactly the same thoughts about sorting the boys during the scene you mentioned.
I'm usually one to say Sam's a Gryffindor and Dean's a Gryffinpuff with slightly more Puff. But in this episode? Way off...
Dean could basically have said 'I'm a Gryffindor.' instead of the whole black and white thing xD
And Sammy's turning more and more into a Slytherin, but I still don't see any of this before season 3.

I haven't seen the promo for the final, and I try desperately to stay un-spoiled for once. But I'm not sure if I can keep up my resolution not to look at any spoilery things >.>


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