The "How Difficult Is Your Life" Quizz

Oct 19, 2005 10:59

All in all, it's not too bad. :-) This is something to look at when I feel like whining.

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Comments 1

rayakina October 25 2005, 20:06:46 UTC
I think we both can call ourselves quite lucky, I scored 18% difficulty only and thus "Very Easy". Though, I think the question of the quiz is a bit wrong: instead of concentrating how life now is the questions in the quiz are restricted only to childhood. Ok, I agree that childhood is very important and might be the most poignant influence and "character-forging force" in life but still life, and thus the quality of life, can change after you've grown up. In my case, I've always known that I had the best parents and the best childhood imaginable but I wouldn't consider my life now as "very easy" since I have undergone some changes after leaving home. Hm... Anyway, it's always nice doing quizzes and altogether I think I can't complain...


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