Want your character to suddenly be from a different canon point than that which you put on their application?
Never fear! That is what this post is for. Just comment here, using the form, and you'll be set! It might be nice to let everyone know on the
vatheon-ooc as well, as your character will be disappearing for a time
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Comments 45
Character Name Ventus (wayward_faith)
Original canon point: Just before the final battle with Vanitas
New canon point: Falling into a coma after the χ-blade's destruction.
Major changes: The only difference will be that he'll be returning whole, thus he'll be in 'zombie mode' for two weeks upon returning as his heart repairs itself from being shattered.
Character Name (3dvii2iion)
Original canon point: Alterniabound
New canon point: Right here!
Major changes: He will be blind, toothless, and much happier. 8D We don't know if he lost his psionics yet but just in case he will not be using them.
Character Name Saya Minatsuki (sweeperesque)
Original canon point: Post-Death
New canon point: Post-Series
Major changes: Saya would have officially been dead for two years, but unlike any normal dead person, she comes back during the final arc in the form of a ghost. It's more of a change in memories as she helped Train escape from the Doctor's artificial world and also assisted in the defeat of Creed.
Gracia (kagayakashi)
Original canon point: Samurai Warriors 2: Xtreme Legends, right after Saika Magoichi leaves the map and she is told he is dead.
New canon point: Samurai Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends, right in the middle of the Battle of Oshi Castle.
Major changes: I've summarized them all in her post in the OOC comm, located here :D
Obi (ninjaservant)
Original canon point: Post Chapter 20
New canon point: After almost kicking henchman dude's ass in Chapter 23
Major changes: Only thing would be that Shirayuki got kidnapped and Obi had been knocked out, so prior to coming back, he's still out for blood on the hunt for the "pretty boy" kidnapper.
So...he just won't be very happy when coming back and kicking himself repeatedly since he'd feel responsible.
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