Who's screwed??

Apr 15, 2007 21:19

ME!!! Yey!! ... and so the countdown until Sarah's death begins...3 weeks, 2 hours, and 20 minutes... (thanks, Michael...) May 7 either I've "talked" with KP or...something.

Plus there's always Mr. P.'s paper (which I should be doing right now...(don't kill me anyone!!)) and 9HD...*sigh*

*returns to homework, unwillingly*

homework, kp

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Comments 9

zinnia_zeroth April 16 2007, 01:54:18 UTC
I'm going to die, too... Mostly from Euro, and math.


thaichicken April 16 2007, 02:02:51 UTC
Can I be sick all this week?


zinnia_zeroth April 16 2007, 02:15:32 UTC
Aww. *hugs*

Out of curiosity, why didn't you come to Olympiad?


thaichicken April 16 2007, 11:23:10 UTC
I had family in town and stuff... I hope it went well!

And again, I'm in love with your rabid goldfish. =)


anonymous April 16 2007, 19:22:20 UTC
Oh, what's killing you? If it's Mr. P, I'd be happy to discuss assassination with you.


fantwurm April 16 2007, 19:22:54 UTC
sorry, that was me.


thaichicken April 16 2007, 19:34:17 UTC
Mr. P. certainly does not help... but no, actually it was (partly) the person we discussed as I was leaving the Large Aud. today. I would still like to discuss assassination, if you're still interested... *sigh* I can control my own love life, thanks! (Or at least, I think I can... but if I can't, I can ruin for myself too, I don't need the rest of the world to ruin it for me!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!)

Ok. Done now. =)


entropic_order April 17 2007, 00:47:52 UTC
I say we gang up on 9HD and mug it in a back alley. Quick, grab a tire iron and some dark clothing and we'll get going.


thaichicken April 17 2007, 01:04:22 UTC
Sounds aMAZing! Let's go!!!!

*sigh* ...or not. I love you, Newton!

~Figgs (Figs? Figgy? I don't know...)


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