You know you love the icon!!!

Feb 13, 2007 19:35

Yep, it's amazing, you know. *sigh* Too much to do. I REALLY  want there to be a snow day tomorrow. Yeah, right. Only if it snows for the next twelve hours nonstop really, really hard. Oh well, a girl can dream, can't she?

Never trust 14-yr-old boys with alkali metals and water...*sigh*

snow, snow day, icons, alkali, kp, sick

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Comments 2

entropic_order February 17 2007, 21:10:59 UTC
Oh dear god. Who did what with the alkali metals and water?

I less than three your icon, I do.


thaichicken February 17 2007, 21:27:48 UTC
Well, nobody did anything...yet...but KP has plans for making thermite (which is not an alkali metal, by the way), and he emailed me these links... I'm scared. (alkali metals) (thermite)

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