
Jan 02, 2007 19:23

Heeheehee. I love being able to have multiple icons! They're so much fun. Yey! Oh, and I saw the new(ish) movie Night at the Museum today. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny! Very good. First time I ever saw Dick van Dyke as a bad(-ish) guy. "ish" is a fun word.

movies, icons

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Comments 2

anonymous January 3 2007, 18:51:07 UTC
Niiiice icon. I'm partial to the death, myself. Though the tipped weapons and masks and such kind of preclude that.


entropic_order January 3 2007, 18:51:51 UTC
Yet again! I always do this! There should be a twelve step program for accidental anonymous posting.


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