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Comments 4

2ndary_author May 10 2014, 13:08:49 UTC
Yay! I have been refreshing frequently...you know, on the off chance that remix entries are posted a day early?!--and now I have something to reeeeaaaad! (what can I say? slow weekend)


thady May 10 2014, 13:33:16 UTC
\o/ So glad to be of help.

You can find more of my recs via the rec: fanfic tag.

And older recs are also posted at my dreamwidth journal multifandomrecs.

Just saying... :)

Edited to add: I just noticed that there might have been cross-posting issues :(

You might have more luck over at my DW-journal with my rec: fanfic tag there.


secretsolitaire May 21 2014, 03:19:27 UTC
I somehow missed that Kane/Toews fic while I was out of town recently, but wow, it's fantastic. Thanks for the rec.


thady May 21 2014, 06:49:15 UTC
I thought it was very lovely.

You're welcome! Thank you for letting me know. :)


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