13. Cross-dress

Nov 07, 2010 22:39

Title: Cross-dress
Pairing: YamaJima, slight-OkaTaro
Genre: Fluff, Crack (?)
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: Yuto's sick this time!
A/N: I need to update my 100 challenge more! Kind of linked to (58. Sick), so you can read that first before reading this ^^v
Masterpost here!

He felt the swelling headache, and the world around him began to turn. After awhile, the floor below him just seems to have disappear, and he plunged into darkness.

The last thing he heard was someone shouting his name. "YUTO!"

Opening his eyes, he saw Ryosuke's face, worry etched on it. Trying to sit up, he only felt his boyfriend pushing him down onto the sofa again.

"You're running a fever. It's my fault. I must have ..." Ryosuke trailed off as he felt the taller boy ruffle his hair. "Yama-chan, don't worry! I'll be fine soon." From the older boy's expression, Yuto knew that his boyfriend was clearly not convinced.

"Tell me anything I can do to make you feel better?" A tired smirk appeared on Yuto's lips as he motioned his boyfriend to lean closer, so Yuto could whisper something into his ear.

Ryosuke could only looked at his boyfriend in shock of the request, but he didn't complain. Well, as long as Yuto was happy, everything is worth doing.

When the eight other JUMP members entered the dressing room, they had the shock of their life.

Yuto was asleep on the sofa, and kneeling on the floor beside the tall boy was a girl dressed as a nurse. Her petite frame, slim legs, short hair. Ryutaro had immediately shouted at the girl. "W-What are you doing here?! What are you going to do to Yuto-kun?!"

She had visibly flinched, and Daiki continued. "I can't believe Yuto-kun is cheating on Yama-chan!" The girl started shivering, and erupt into a laughing fit as she turned around.

"Hahaha! It's me, Yamada Ryosuke in this thing here." Looking closer at the face, they had gasp. Ryosuke was really feminine, in a way. Slim legs, slim waist. Arms that were a little toned, but not really muscular, and not to mention his petite figure.

His face and chubby cheeks really did help too. "Why are you dressed like that?" Keito bluntly asked while staring at his bandmate. A blush formed on Ryosuke's cheeks, as he placed a finger on his lips, signaling the others to be quite.

When Ryosuke was right in front of them, he slowly explained. "Yuto's having a fever. So it's my turn to take care of him. So when I asked what can I do to make him feel better, he told me to cross-dress."

Hikaru had almost laughed out loud, but Yabu had covered the boy's mouth in time.

"Don't mind me, I'm going to take care of him now." A small smile was given to his bandmates, before Ryosuke went back to tend to Yuto, as he changed the handkerchief on his boyfriend's forehead.

"I didn't know Yama-chan would actually cross-dress for Yuto's sake." During their break, Ryutaro whispered to Keito. The older boy slung an arm over Ryutaro, as he planted a kiss on the younger boy's forehead.

Grinning a little, Keito mumbled into Ryutaro's ear. "I wonder how you'll look in that nurse suit." In a flash, Ryutaro had slapped Keito on the back of his head, and turned away with a flushed face.

No wonder Yuto and Keito were such good friends. They like their boyfriends to cross-dress.

okataro, * fanfiction, c! morimoto ryutaro, yamajima, c! nakajima yuto, p! yamajima, c! okamoto keito, * 100 yamajima scenes, p! okataro, t! one-shot, c! yamada ryosuke

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