Prompt Post!

Dec 02, 2020 18:39

Post prompts here!

  • Follow the rules.
  • General chitchat goes here
  • Filled prompt archive is here
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Have fun!


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Linkara/Hyper!Spoony fluff anonymous March 2 2012, 08:34:38 UTC
So, Dr. Insano's been screwing with Spoony again (with SCIENCE!)and zaps him with a ray that makes him super energetic or doses him with amphetamines or something. Insano soon grows annoyed by his behavior and promptly dumps him on Linkara to 'babysit'. Bonus points for some sort of Spoony tackle glomp and I would love you forever if it ends in Crashed/Sleepy!Spoony and Linkara cuddles. 'Cause that's how I roll.


Re: Linkara/Hyper!Spoony fluff butterflyslinky October 19 2014, 12:53:27 UTC

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