Title: down the avenue Characters/Pairing: Will/Alicia, post 2x20 Rating: PG Words: 800 Summary: He knows she's doing that Alicia thing where she pretends like she's fine, but she's far from it.
I love this, no over the top declarations or ill advised revenge sex *worries lip with worry*... just her needing a friend and him being there. It echoed back to the episode where he was watching her interview - silent, strong support.
I particularly loved this bit “Thanks,” she nods. She half-heartedly wipes at the makeup that has streaked around her eyes. She's not vain enough to use the car's side mirror or even try to catch her reflection in the window. Will smiles at this. Both for the idea that she doesn't care and that he appreciates that.
Comments 3
I have been desperately waiting for a post 'Foreign Affairs', Will/Alica fic since yesterday. DESPERATELY!
This is gorgeous, very plausible, imo. Excellent writing!!!
I particularly loved this bit “Thanks,” she nods. She half-heartedly wipes at the makeup that has streaked around her eyes. She's not vain enough to use the car's side mirror or even try to catch her reflection in the window. Will smiles at this.
Both for the idea that she doesn't care and that he appreciates that.
Lovely shot, thanks for sharing :)
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