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Comments 11

wellinever June 12 2006, 19:55:59 UTC
i'm in the same position. i'm just 18 and have a referral for charing cross. from my understanding (i know a few people who have been there before me), it takes about 6 months after being referred to get an appointment. you need at least 2 appointments before you get testosterone at the absoloute minimum, and those 2 appointments are likely to be 6 months apart. they generally like you to be living/working as male before they give you T, and also most of the time they tell you to change your name before your second appt. thats what i understand from the info i've gathered. you don't really get therapy at any point, and quite often people complain as they can be absoloutely pricks. but not all the time. it seems about 50/50 as to whether you get a good or bad experience when you're there ( ... )


darky_hitori June 14 2006, 07:28:47 UTC
Groovytastic. C:


angelofsith June 12 2006, 20:06:41 UTC
AFAIK you don't need therapy to transition. Transitioning is just changing how you dress and live so that you live as male, which sounds like what you're doing atm. Therapy can help some people but if you don't need it then that's fine. I think you need to be full time with your name changed, a name just requires a stat dec or deed poll.

I've been to CXH and I've found it be nice there. I saw Dr Chalu (who's since left) and Dr Lenihan and they were both nice. I've heard Dr Barret is also nice, but I've not seen him. The wait for the first appointment is a few months, I think I had to wait four maybe five for my first one, they probably won't prescribe hormones untill the second appointment which will be a few months later, by which time you'll be 18 and there shouldn't be any problems concerning age. Is there anything specific about CXH that you'd like to know?

If you haven't been there, ftm.org.uk is a very useful site, I think it's one of the most helpful sites I've found, it has a stat dec maker, you just put in relevant ( ... )


darky_hitori June 14 2006, 07:31:45 UTC
Luckily I love cemeteries. XD

Do you think it'll be safe to leave the name change until I've had the first appointment, then get it before the second? It's more for my family than for me because I don't want to shove a sudden name change on them right away - I'd rather have the first appointment to show that I'm serious before getting it changed. O_o


ganimede June 12 2006, 20:19:25 UTC
Hi Nate!

I've been going to Charing Cross, and I've documented my experience and my transition on my website: Find your own place in the rainbow. Feel free to contact me if you want to ask any questions or even just to chat. I have various messengers all listed on my profile or you can always e-mail me.

Nathaniel :)


darky_hitori June 14 2006, 07:32:07 UTC
C: I've been reading your site - very groovy.


ganimede June 14 2006, 18:35:07 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you like it.


anonymous June 13 2006, 21:37:05 UTC
If anything, they might see your presentation at a young age as a good thing - rather than being referred in your 50s after three marriages and five children.

They're likely to be impressed if you can:

a) provide a formal change of name deed, showing that you're 'legally' Nathaniel. You might want to check out www.ukdps.co.uk for this,

b) provide evidence of you being accepted as male at college ie. registration documents in your male name, references from tutors, etc.

Also, if you smoke, try to give up before the consultation.


darky_hitori June 14 2006, 07:33:27 UTC
Again, do you think it'll be fine to get my name changed after the first appointment and before the second?

Although I guess it depends when my first appointment is - I might be able to do it before then without my parents thinking I'm getting ahead of myself.

I can easily provide evidence from college, and I don't smoke so.. Whoo. C:


anonymous June 14 2006, 15:37:58 UTC
Yes, sure. CHX take the date on your change of name document as the 'official' start of the 2-year Real Life Experience, so the only reason to change your name early would be if you wanted to argue the case for 'backdating' the RLE. If that's not an issue, then it should be perfectly fine leaving it: the earliest you're likely to be prescribed T is the second appointment, after having seen two separate shrinks.


pirate_poet June 26 2006, 10:48:33 UTC
Hi there! I'm a US student studying abroad at U of Sussex-- from what I've heard, it's not that far from Essex. I'm 21, transgender, don't ID as a boy or as a girl, and use he/his pronouns. If you wanna get together to hang out, I'd be up for it.

I'm also gonna be heading out to London for EuroPride (July 1st) and meeting up with FTM London folks and Press for Change folks... if you want, you can travel with me and my friend to that.



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