The Music is dead. Long live the music!

Nov 16, 2006 22:15

When last we left our intrepid adventurers, ddmerillat was disassembling my jukebox. Upon opening it, we found symptoms of battery failure. We plugged the jukebox drive into the enclosure and fired it up. There were some discouraging clicking sounds, but no obvious problems otherwise. I copied everything off to my laptop just in case. When Dave got things mostly reassembled, we discovered that the unit won't work without functional batteries in place. It was behaving the same way it had at work . . . blinking and clicking. The suspicion: the batteries provide voltage regulation. Sadly, it was already midnight. We ventured to Wegmans in search of four AAA NiMH batteries. I was certain they wouldn't have them. Dave was certain they would. We were both right-they carry them, but they were out of stock. We ended up scavenging the batteries from his jukebox as a proof of concept. With them in place, everything worked fine. It is, in fact, better than fine . . . I have more than quadruple the old capacity. I have music at work again! Dave will be getting the new drive on Monday, and I'll be visiting another Wegmans to get him some new batteries. Whee! Thanks, ddmerillat!


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