
Sep 09, 2007 18:16

Character Description Form:
Name: Solarflare
Type: Transformer
Gender: female
Eyes: gold
Height: ~14/15ft
Description: Despite her relative height, Solarflare is stockily-built -- most of it in her large lower legs. Her armor is colored in grey, white and black: grey helm, chest-piece, shoulder-struts; her pyramidal-shaped lower legs are black, as well as her "bikini" and taloned hands; the rest of her body is white: face, arms, thighs, torso, tailfeathers. The pinions of her steel wings are black, whereas the rest is grey.

In deference to her avian altmode, Flare has angular facial planes. She carries three Autobot symbols: one on her chest-plate and two on the backs of her wings.

There isn't much detailing to her form, outside of her helm and lower legs. Helm: round and grey, with two "vents" curling around her cheeks. Above her nose is a black three-bladed "crest". The middle portion is shaped like the upper half of a beak, with two mobile "feathers" to desplay her mood. Two black angled lines jut to either side of her brow. Where her ears might be, are two black radio dials, each with two tines jutting upwards.

Legs: Black and pyramidal, they are HUGE. Her knee-caps are golden diamonds; her foot is gold as well. Two silver spikes jut out from either side of each leg. Black talons rest here: one talon above each foot, three talons at her heels.

When in doubt, character sheets. :D

Personality: Flare is easy-going and generally happy. She's an open book, and doesn't take care to hide the fact -- her mood can be gauged by the set of wings and crest. She's a terrible liar for the aforementioned reasons, and has great respect for authority. You wouldn't see her disobeying Prime's orders any time soon.

Likes: 80s music, especially The Eagles and Chicago (hmm, wonder where she gets THAT from!); socializing, flying, reading classics.

Dislikes: The cold. (See "Other") Disobedience to authority-figures, running the training course, losing her focus in altmode.

Squicks (DO NOT WANT): Slash, rape.

Other: Mild claustrophobic, limited tolerence for extreme cold. When she gets working, she does so with extreme single-mindedness. It's a bad idea (VERY BAD) to interrupt her without taking precautions. Was once human, but perfers to ignore her auspicious origins and think of herself as completely Cybertronian.

(For these below, ignore the extra feather atop Flare's head. I took it off.)
(Not made by me:) -- Grungewerx -- Matt Moylan -- Heatherbeast -- Tyrrlin.

Transformer-specific Details:
Faction: Autobot
Occupation: Junior Communications Officer
Alternate Mode: Harpy Eagle --
Tools/Weapons: light energy pistol, eye-lasers, tri-barreled fire-pellet guns in her forearms.
Preferred Generation: G1

Motto: "I'm more raptor than robot."

Strength: 3 | Intelligence: 7 | Speed: 5 | Endurance: 3 | Rank: 4 (later, 7) | Courage: 6 | Firepower: 2 | Skill: 6

Solarflare was human, once (human name: Alina Michaels). Following an attack by the Decepticon Ravage that left her mortally wounded, her mind and soul were harvested and placed into a blank spark by Ratchet, Wheeljack and Perceptor. This artificial spark was thus transferred into a custom-made Autobot body modeled after a Harpy Eagle.

Terrified, confused and heartbroken, Flare nonetheless found herself gradually accepting her new destiny and carved herself a niche in the Ark Autobot community. Her day-to-day duties include working side by side with Blaster in the Communications Room and volleying calls from humans and transmissions from her fellow Autobots. When not attached to machinery and being what she calls “a glorified telephone operator”, one can often find Solarflare perched on the rocky outcroppings outside of the Ark in beastmode, or flying around for the hell of it. Autobots returning home from patrol have long come to expect the sight of a grey bird waiting for them atop one of the massive boosters.

She's particularly attached to the Twins (Sunstreaker often doubles as her "persoanl trainer"), First Aid, Ratchet, Windcharger, Hound, and Mirage, her bondmate. Since the construction of Autobot City, her best friend is the gryphonic femme Flamestrike.

Strengths: In working with the avian concept, Flare’s body was created of lightweight - but durable - materials. Her jointed wing structure allows her to be highly manuverable. Though her pyramidal feet might be viewed as a hindrance, she is actually able to exert massive force through her talons, effectively binding her onto her intended target. Her ability to multitask has served the Autbots for the best more than once, volleying calls and reports with amazing dexterity.

Weaknesses: Due to her raptor instincts (whether accidentally embedded into her cortex or somehow gleaned from her altmode), Solarflare displays acute singlemindedness, often losing track of her surroundings and focusing totally on the task at hand. Thus, she often comes away from battle more damaged than most. Short, but not squat, it’s hard for Flare to extend some leg and run; her firepower and fighting abilities could use some work.

Don't send her to Siberia, because you'll be carting back an eagle-popsicle.

Alt Mode References:

solarflare, poster: crystal_phoenix, ref: solarflare

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