Transformers, A New Hope

Apr 19, 2009 10:40

Name: Kia

Type: Transformer

Gender: femme

Eyes: pale blue

Height: (still working this out I think she's somewhere in the area of ten foot)

Description: A tiny little pale silver femme with no real armor to speak of and big innocent blue optics that are shaped something like Armada Hot Shot's. Her helm design kind of makes her look like she has a chin-length bob hairstyle, and her facial features are delicate and very feminine. She's a little beauty. Her legs kind of look like she's wearing bell-bottoms, and her hands have a few repair gadgets hidden away in them, though not as many as her mentor, Random, has.

Personality: Innocent. Intelligent. Caring. Hopeful. Trusting but wary. She can be easily frightened by violence, but keeps her head very well despite it.

Likes: Random. Learning. Fixing things. Cuddles with Random or with the Minicon named Murphy.

Dislikes: Fighting. Imperials chasing her. People getting hurt. Being lost. Things that upset Random. Jetfire driving the Falcon like a crazy thing with her aboard it. The Minicons squabbling.

Squicks (DO NOT WANT): Slash, incest, sex or sexual innuendo, genderless bots, excessive violence and gore (over PG), excessive Terran cursing. All my bots are from realities with clear, spark-based binary gender, form lasting unbreakable bonds with one mate (strong) of the opposite gender and a few siblings of either gender (lighter), and have no analogue for sex, though mates and courting bots will kiss. Deep platonic bonds caused by close proximity are very common.

Other: Age-wise, Kia is a baby. She's only been online for a few months at the most. She is dearly attached to her mentor, Random, and is one of the very few things that the sarcastic and often cowardly mech loves and will stick his neck out for. Due to the 'imprisonment' of Primus by Galvatron new sparks are incredibly rare, so most people in her reality don't realize that they're looking at one when they meet her.

Light Side= Primus
Dark Side= Unicron
Palpatine= Megs
Emperor= Galvatron
Vader= Optimus
Luke= Hot Shot
Leia= Arcee
Obi Wan= Scavenger
Han= Jetfire
droids= Kia and Random
Greedo= Demolisher
Boba Fett= Cyclonus
Lando= Smokescreen
Rebels= Autobots
Ewoks= Minicons
Wookies= Minicons

References: Her story is just starting, but it will be recorded here. Sister_dear drew a portrait of her which can be seen here. She's maybe a bit tiny here, but this picture totally shows her relationship with Random.

Transformer-specific Details:

Faction: Rebel.

Occupation: Astrotech mech

Alternate Mode: Speeder bike looking thing.

Tools/Weapons: Magnetic probe on her left hand, a small cutting laser on her right, both folded away unless she needs them. Unconscious cuteness. Intelligence.

Preferred Generation: Tech-wise, she kind of looks like she's from an Armada reality.

History: In Kia's reality there are no Autobots or Decepticons. Instead there are Rebels and Imperials. The Galaxy is ruled by Emperor Galvatron, and governed by his right hand mech, Nemesis Prime. Both are very powerful in Unicron's dark energy, and both are utterly remorseless when it comes to getting his will done. Long ago, before many mechs can even remember, it's rumored that Nemesis Prime had a different name, and that as Optimus Prime he was the hope of all Transformer kind. That hope failed when he listened to the lies of Megatron and fell to the dark side. Now, six million years later, the Emperor's hold is nearly absolute, and the origin world Cybertron is a vast Imperial hive. But due to Primus' resistance there have been no Imperial newsparks since Optimus Prime fell and pockets of hardy Rebels still wage what seems like a hopeless battle in their creator's name. Many have forgotten that name as anything more than an ancient myth, however, and the Rebel forces are growing thin. And then one day an astrotech mech named Random, who was stationed on the Rebel flagship under Princess Arcee of Alderaan, found a little femme floating in space and realized that not only was Primus not a myth, he wasn't as dead as the stories proclaimed him.

Now their story is beginning, with the destruction of the flagship and Arcee's appointment to Kia to bring a message to a mech named Scavenger, who lives on an out of the way energon refining world named Tatooine where he watches unknown over a young mech named Hot Shot.

Alt Mode References: Not available yet. I'm not too sure what it looks like myself.

kia, poster: random_xtras, ref: kia

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