
Mar 23, 2008 18:00

Name: Hormah

Type: Transformer

Gender: female

Eyes: yellow

Height: 16 foot

Description: A mixture of Minicon and 2007 movie technology, she's bright red-orange, and has a Minicon cast to her facial features (with a mouth), though her face is otherwise shaped like her mother's. Her body more resembles a movie bot's, but isn't quite so complex. Her weapons are usually folded away when she's in mech mode, and it looks like she has a belly button (her powerlinx port).

Personality: Miniconish. She's earnest, self-willed, and full of mischief, but will take orders from someone she respects. Also very caring of her charges.

Likes: Blackout. Her sons Pi, Oppy, and Bbbrl, her daughter Mira, and her charges Scarecrow, Small Foot, and Ravage. Her mate, Rap. Dance, techno, and some rap music. Sheol, Pink, Mouse, and Deherree (her sisters by creation and adoption). Requiem, Apoleia, Sparta, and Dreadnought (her brothers). Acting as a servant of Primus. Hunting with her team. Knocking over drunken Autobots. Getting into worthwhile rumbles. Snarkwars. Energon. Hiding in the sand and ambushing people. Taking care of her Primus Sanctuary in the Nexus, and helping the bots who come there. Meeting with Myrrh or Auspex in the Nexus or the Sanctuary to talk shop. Bob. Auspex. Tessera. Myrrh (the little femme, not the plant). Shiny things. Befuddling people. Being happy. Playing her music loudly. Paintbomb/napalm bomb wars. Taking care of Scarecrow and Small Foot and the littles. Iceberg. Jetfire. Blackout's current notboyfriend.

Dislikes: Iceberg trying to make her stop serving Primus. Bullies. Blackout's ex boyfriend. Lumpy energon. Not being able to have a bath when she wants one. Never being able to see Rap again.

Squicks (DO NOT WANT): Slash, incest, sex or sexual innuendo, genderless bots, excessive violence and gore (over PG), excessive Terran cursing. All my bots are from realities with clear, spark-based binary gender, form lasting unbreakable bonds with one mate (strong) of the opposite gender and a few siblings of either gender (lighter), and have no analogue for sex, though mates and courting bots will kiss. Deep platonic bonds caused by close proximity are very common. My bayformer bots do not have subspace.

Other: Her creators are a female 2007 movie Blackout and Iceberg of the Minicon Adventure team.

References: Blackout Iceberg more Blackout her stories (mixed with Blackout's) Hormah, by ko_pilot

Faction: Decepticon

Occupation: Servant of Primus, wife, mother, and minion of Blackout.

Alternate Mode: a slightly undersized red-orange army tank

Tools/Weapons: chest cannon, tank mortar on one arm, small laser on the other arm. Snark, warped sense of humor. Thick and obscure dialect of English (Port Aux Basques Newfoundland English, to be exact).

Preferred Generation: she's a hybrid of bayformer and Armada/Energon Minicon

History: femmeBlackout and Iceberg sat on the wrong couch in a Nexus and wound up with an Impossible Nexus Kid for their pains. Hormah scanned RiD Armorhide for her alt mode. (yay, Nexus crack) She recently got her own home in the Nexus, but still joins Blackout and Blackout's army on some hunts.

She's got several siblings from the same couch (which turns out to be Small Foot). Requiem's creators are femmeBlackout and Armada Skywarp. He's forty something foot tall, and a very serious guy but he and Hormah get some enjoyable paintball wars going. They also both love the same human dance music, especially the stuff that Hormah's mate Rap mixed for her before his reality lost access to the Nexus. When Requiem was created Blackout nearly died, so Hormah was in charge for awhile. While she was she started spending more time with Auspex in the sanctuary of Primus, and felt the call to become a servant herself. This has in no way changed any of her favorite activities; she may be officially one of the good guys now, but she's still true to her heritage.

She also now has five sisters and three new brothers. Sheol was created when Blackout drank from the wrong water fountain, Mouse and Pink are adopted. Mouse is very big, Sheol's a little shorter than Blackout and Requiem, and Pink... well, Pink's a Minicon. Apoleia is one of the new brothers, he is a very serious and zealous young mech. Sparta was a gift to Blackout from Hormah and Tidal Wave. They had Hormah's Minicon friend Nightwish build his shell, and Hormah's sister Nemesis created her spark in her creation chamber with the codes of Blackout and Barricade. And yes. Requiem has a lot of fun with Sparta's name. Dreadnought is just a big dark kid with an easy going sense of humor that mirrors that of his male spark donor (Jazz). He likes to pick Sparta up when he talks to him, because Sparta's only as tall as Hormah is. And Nemesis is sort of adopted, but at the same time she's actually Hormah's sister, because she was a gift of Primus to another Blackout. She looks like a slightly shorter, broader in the waist, dark green Blackout with optics the colour of dried blood. She's older than everyone but Hormah and Requiem and runs the Black Dog bar.

Hormah's oldest son Pi was created one day when Rap managed to find his way back to the Nexus for a short time. He's Iceberg orange, and a total brat who liked to make his mother yell with frustration when he was new. That's kind of faded now that he's got younger adopted siblings to care for and a dad to keep him in line.

Bbbrl is of a race that looks like anthropomorphic Sphynx cats. He's a toddler child of about three years, though he's a little taller than a human child of that age range would be. Hormah usually keeps him dressed in cute fuzzy footy outfits complete with a tail sleeve with a jingle on the end and a hood with pompom tipped parts for his big ears. He can play all day with just skidding around on the marble floors in his footies, or chasing the bell on his tail, and he loves to snuggle his new siblings.

Mira is a sweet little green bayformer sparklet, the daughter of a Showtime and Sunstreaker who was Exiled by an accident before she was born. She lived as a free spark for awhile, with an Allspark Messenger Showtime acting as mother. But then Primus sent her back to live for a little while before she returned to the Allspark. She loves to snuggle with her new family.

Oppy is seven foot tall, a little TFA Optimus sparklet who was murdered by an insane reality hopping Sentinel when he'd just come online. He lived with Mira for awhile, and was sent back alongside her. He too loves to snuggle, and he also loves watching history vids and playing with building toys. He and Bbbrl love chasing Bbbrl's wonderful Dwarf-made wind up mousie along with Ravage.

Oh and Rap? He's a cobalt blue, green-eyed, near dead ringer for his daddy Jazz (different Jazz from Dreadnought's dad), though he's got his Bumblebee mama's hands. He plays the blues and jazz trumpet, and mixes stunning rap, pop, and urban compositions as he fills his new roll as full time husband, father, and Sanctuary guard. Cheerful, laid back, and friendly. Hormah is head over heels for him and gives him a hard time whenever she has opportunity.

Ravage is the old guy from Beast Wars, in the new body he got in 'Ascending'. He's laid back and sunbeam addicted. Shockingly, he's also a Primus servant. And Scarecrow and Small Foot are couch formers. Tall, homely, very skinny bayformer type bots who turn into couches. They have long faces and frighted brown optics. And Small Foot is the couch that created Hormah. (That's another story. I'll explain it if anyone's interested).

Alt Mode References: Armorhide's... I'll find a working link asap

ref: hormah, poster: random_xtras, hormah

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