Title: Symmetry in Contrasts: Prowl/Optimus (OneShot Collection)
Chapter: One Shot 4 - Is this how our world ends?
Author: neverminetohold (LJ/FF.net)
Rating: T
Summary: In the end, the Decepticons won. Two ‘bots left standing...
Pairing or Character(s): Prowl, Optimus Prime; others mentioned
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers in any form... Poor me!
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Comments 3
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If I may say so myself, I like that I managed to show, I think, that all the good things about Optimus can turn into a horrible curse for him... (And that Prowl knows him so well.)
Yes... *sigh* I think now I have to pay Youtube a visit and watch yet again all those Tribute videos. I wonder: Why do always my fav. charas meet their end prematurely??? The worst thing is (and I swear it's true!): right after the first pilot episode(s) I thought to myself that Prowl would end up dead - because he's the type who would develop to a dedicated 'bot/teammate who would sacrifce himself... I HATE it when I'm right T-T
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I think with my guess on Prowl, I was already "in training" because I love to play both Suikoden and the Tales of - Series (pitty I live in Germany, only rarely does a titles of the latter make it here). Both always have a shady/traitor character - by Tales, I can guess already just by the opening movie...
Ouch - getting axed, that's a bit too descriptive °-°
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