Title: The Big Picture
Universe: G1
Rating: PG
Characters: Mirage, Hound, and discussion about the Combaticons and assassinating Onslaught.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, or any of the characters or scenarios from the series within this story.
Prompt: #2 “Thinking Big.”
Notes Don’t know whether this will go anywhere
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Comments 11
nice. :D love your take on 'raj, and i agree he's not to be trifled with!
And thanks for pointing out typo - corrected !!
marksman...spy...formula one racecar...none of these sound fluffy to me either. 's why he's one of my favourites!
Yep - add that he's the only one who can use an ED and is a hand to hand combat expert - heck, he knocked out TC and Skywarp single handed and saved Cliffjumper! Plus he's an ex rich-guy and although the fandom loves him as a 'noblemech,' in bios he is often portrayed more as a wealthy landowner socialite type - which I also like !!
It's great that he's one of your favourites :-)
FFantasies (which I still really appreciate you faithfully reviewing) is undergoing a major reworking and I think that, maybe, that version of Mirage was the same but going through a 'dark time.' (as TF's do) LOL In any event, this version I find pretty 'switched on,' and quite powerful.
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