There's been some very cool output this week, congratulations to everyone who took part :D
Participation icon!
1. Magnetism
This image3. 'Leave each one his touch of folly; it helps to lighten life's burden which, if he could see himself as he is, might be too heavy to carry.' John Lancaster Spalding
4. Go through
the Master List of Prompts, choose one you like and write for it.
Note: Please state which prompt you choose in your header.
5. Memorial
6. Running low...
antepathy Memorial, prompt 5
blitzbrained Cast down in a sea of ambiguity, prompt 3
lady_katana4544 Magnetism, prompt 1
Battlefield lovers, prompt 4
No memorials for cowards, prompt 5
mjfastlane Lest we forget, prompt 5
The next writing day will start tomorrow, that's Saturday 11th September, at 10am EST / 3pm GMT