Bluestreak x Red Alert - Someone Watching Me!

Dec 15, 2009 23:41

Rare Pairings

Title: Pt 1 - Someone Watching Me!

Series: Red & Blue

Rating: G for now, will evolve as the tale dictates.

Verse: 97% percent G1, some IDW as always (for time keeping).

Summary: If Red Alert ever had a nightmare this must be it!

Pairings: None yet (for now)

Notes: Had intended for this to be a one shot but alas, it has expanded into three or four chapters (which are in various stages of drabbling).
Hopefully (but unlikely) this will be much better than my last attempt to portray rare pairings. No character seems to be in character, so its consistent in that department. Again, almost all I have to go on is the G1 series.
Rather late in the evening so my only excuse for poor spelling/grammar is “It looked all right at the time”.
Comments always welcome.

Part 1 - Someone Watching Me!

Red Alert shifted uncomfortably. This meeting was taking too long!
Why was it taking so long?!

Something was setting off his warning systems, making it almost impossible to concentrate on anything Prowl was saying.
This space, it was so very cramped! So many Autobots!

Windcharger to his left, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe at the front of the gathering, Trailbreaker with the human Sparkplug perched on his shoulder.
Hound, Cliffjumper, Red Alert’s energon signature identification scanners displayed and constantly verified everyone’s identity. There was always the possibility a Decepticon spy might infiltrate via disguise and he wouldn’t give them that chance!

No one paid attention to his staring at everyone in the assembly, all of them listening attentively to Prowl, or pretending to.

Red Alert’s warning systems began to calculate scenario after scenario, trying to pinpoint the reason for his warning systems activating.
A concealed explosive device!? A Decepticon infiltrator!?
Both plausible, none verifiable unless he returned to his security post. Without him keeping watch any Decepticon could easily bypass the warning beacons and go unnoticed until the last astrosecond...or

'Pay attention!' Windcharger elbowed him, tired of Red’s fidgeting

'I AM paying attention!' Red Alert hissed back ‘I’m just-‘

A sudden feed from Teletraan I silenced him. He stopped hearing anything Prowl was saying, his attention diverted by the latest information from Teletraan I’s security systems. Nothing, everything read clear.

Against Ratchet’s or Hoist’s better advice he remained in direct link with Teletraan I. It was taxing on his processors but necessary when he was absent from his post. If only Prowl had excused him from the assembly, he rued, but Prowl had insisted all high ranking Autobots be present to maintain morale.

Red Alert kept fidgeting, very sure his circuits would overload if he was away from his security post one astrosecond longer!
His warning systems kept issuing intermittent alarms but there was no threat present that he could detect. Why was this happening?!
He had to return to his post! The Decepticons could attack at any time!

'A-hem!' Prowl ceased his discourse, his calm yet stern gaze directed towards Red Alert’s general direction ‘Is there a problem?’

Red Alert realised he’d been absentmindedly reading Teletraan I’s security sweep report aloud, again. He didn’t know what to do.
Prowl was looking at him, the others were looking at him!
He felt their stare. What should he do?! What should he say?!
His warning sensors were about to overload!

'Hey! Sorry everyone!' Was the call from the opposite side of the assembly room 'Sorry! Fell into recharge mode for an astrosec. Wide awake now! Guess I should keep my batteries fuelled more often eh? Would keep me out of trouble and could you talk a little louder if possible Prowl? I think the acoustics are terrible in this side of the room. Maybe amplifying your voice a little or-'

'Bluestreak, please’ Prowl stopped Bluestreak’s discourse ‘apology accepted. Please try to pay more attention. Now, let's continue.' Prowl spoke and returned to his report 'As I was saying, Decepticon activity has been detected in the following quadrants-'

The meeting continued but Red Alert stopped listening altogether.
He was both embarrassed and suspicious at once. He could feel...yes! Someone was watching him!

No one that he could see was paying any attention to him and yet...
He looked over his shoulder, just in case, but saw nothing but wall behind him. His attention diverted towards the opposite side of the assembly and spotted...Bluestreak?!

Yes, Bluestreak had spoken up, diverted everyone’s attention away from him, but why?
He was shocked to find the Autobot not paying any attention to Prowl but looking straight at him, granting him a brief wave with a ridiculous smile plastered on his face.

Red Alert looked away in shock and for some reason found himself looking back only to see Bluestreak grant him another friendly wave and another ridiculous smile.

He looked away again and began to fidget nervously once more, realising it was Bluestreak who was responsible for triggering his warning systems. What did Bluestreak want?!
Teletraan I’s latest security feed was momentarily ignored as Red Alert grew suspicious of Bluestreak’s motives.

Why had he spoken up and taken the blame?
He wanted to embarrass him! That must have been it!
Maybe...maybe he wanted to make fun of him later! Just like Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, Red Alert reasoned. Yes! That had to be it!
All the Autobots thought his security measures were ridiculous and over the top! Even Optimus Prime! Bluestreak must have been up to something!

‘Right then’ Prowl summed up the meeting ‘that will be all. Please return to your duties. The new rosters will be announced soon, I expect everyone to follow them. That’s everyone’ He looked to Sideswipe and Sunstreaker ‘No bribing anyone in order to exchange places, understood?’

‘What about threatening?’ Sideswipe asked, his question evoking muffled laughter from the dispersing gathering.

All except for Red alert who fled down the corridor the moment Prowl had dismissed them. He spoke to no one, optics avoiding everyone as he walked along the corridors swiftly, seeking the solace of his and Inferno's quarters, in need of recharging before returning to his duties.
The quarters he shared with Inferno, it was the only place that was completely safe for him!

Hey Red!' A cheerful voice called after him 'Wait up!'

Ignore it! Red Alert told himself and picked up his pace.
It was Bluestreak!

So I was right! Red told himself. Bluestreak wants to make a spectacle of me now that high ranking Autobots like Prowl and Jazz are around.
I won’t give him the chance! I won’t!

'Wait!' Bluestreak gave chase down the corridors but too late, Red Alert had already reached the safety of his quarters

‘Hey!’ Bluestreak tried to speak but all he saw was a brief glimpse of Red Alert's optics staring back at him with suspicion before the door slid closed.

Once inside Red allowed himself a deep sigh of relief.
He’d managed to avoid whatever lunacy Bluestreak had planned.
Good, he thought. He was too tired to worry about one more prankster.

‘Hiya Red’ Inferno’s voice called to him ‘you back?’

‘Yes!’ Red Alert called back as he set his rifle and shoulder cannon aside, relieved to have the massive weapon off his shoulders, stretching and smiling calmly as all servos registered in perfect order. The steady “ping” of a life support monitor set his mind at ease and at the same time made him intensely uncomfortable.

‘How was the meetin’?’ Inferno called to him again ‘get in here n’ tell me.’

‘Oh’ Red shrugged and walked towards Inferno’s berth area ‘you know, the usual. Megatron makes a push, we push back.’

Red found Inferno where he’d left him, lying on his berth, cables from one of Ratchet’s life support machines running from the device to Inferno’s open chest casing, feeding energon and keeping the mechfluid flow constant until Inferno’s central exchange unit came fully online.

Red couldn’t help but grow even more nervous to see Inferno so incapacitated. Inferno was his best friend, had been his friend since...

‘How are you feeling?’ Red asked concerned ‘Should I get Ratchet in here to check you out?’

His circuits flickered at the thought of allowing anyone other than Inferno past the door, but for inferno’s sake he would make this allowance, even if it meant resetting the security codes yet again.

‘He was here already’ Inferno chuckled ‘and ‘afore ya ask I HAD to let him in or he wouldave knocked the door down. Jus’ relax, he just came in to check everythin’ was fine and that’s all.’

‘Are you sure?’ Red asked nervously ‘I mean, well‘

‘C’mere’ Inferno spoke gently and beckoned Red to sit alongside

Red Alert skirted the life support device and sidled alongside Inferno’s prone figure, taking his friend’s hand. It hurt him terribly that Inferno had been badly damaged in the latest battle. He’d taken a bad hit and his chest casing had suffered extensively, so extensively it had placed his lasercore in danger. Ratchet had reassured him the spark chamber was intact and he’d been glad of this stroke of fortune.
How Inferno had managed to sweet talk Ratchet to let him convalesce in his quarters and not in the med bay remained a mystery to Red.

‘I-I’m sorry’ Red apologised ‘I-I-guess I should be grateful Ratchet didn’t knock the door down’ he laughed softly ‘It would certainly have thrown all my security measures out the hatch.’

‘Hey, try not to get so wound up’ Inferno’s hand clasped Red’s warmly ‘you know Prime n’ the others are our friends. We look to you for security and yer good, but sometimes...’

‘I-I know...’Red Alert clasped Inferno’s hands, trying to keep his digits from fidgeting nervously ‘I’m trying but’ he looked to his friend ‘It’s hard not to worry about...about everything, about you.’

‘I’ll be all right Red, you’ll see.’ He smiled, trying to divert Red’s attention elsewhere ‘Now, how was the briefin’?’

‘I didn’t pay much attention’ Red confessed ‘I think Prowl mentioned something about new patrol rosters. Not much else.’

‘That all Prowl said?’ Inferno laughed ‘damn! He’s gettin’ real tight lipped.’

‘Well’ Red Alert laughed a little, glad to see Inferno laughing ‘perhaps not quite that brief.’

‘Look at me’ Inferno tilted Red Alert’s face towards his

Red Alert’s optics flickered and Inferno could see minute streams of information running across Red’s optics.

‘Din’t I tell ya?’ Inferno sighed ‘s’not good for your logic chips to be wired into Teletraan I almost all the time.’


‘Please Red’ Inferno smiled ‘Just for a little. Why not try-‘

‘No!’ Red Alert took to his feet ‘I...Please Inferno, don’t ask me again. You know my duties are very important.’

‘All right’ Inferno sighed in defeat ‘just...try to relax, even for one cycle. Please? For me?’

Red Alert said nothing, looking apprehensive, weighing Inferno’s request.

‘I...’ he began ‘I suppose....’ he looked to Inferno and sat by his side again ‘perhaps a quarter cycle.’

‘Thanks’ Inferno smiled ‘say, did I hear someone outside just before ya came in?’ Inferno chuckled ‘you didn’t lock Ratchet out didja?’

‘No!’ Red Alert replied, remembering Bluestreak’s ridiculous smile ‘it was nothing.’

Funny, Inferno pondered. The “nothing” sure sounded a lot like Bluestreak. He found it strange that Red had fallen silent, features unconsciously relaxing as he was lost in thought.
He’d stopped fidgeting too. Amazing!

‘I wonder why he was smiling like that’ Red Alert murmured, recalling Bluestreak’s daft smile.

‘Red?’ Inferno asked ‘you say somethin’?’

‘Say?’ Red Alert looked to Inferno ‘why, no! I...I must have been distracted! AH!’ His warning sensors emitted a brief blue flash‘I...’

‘Easy’ Inferno spoke gently, reaching out and placing a hand on Red’s shoulder, trying to calm him ‘try to keep the pressure off your neural cluster. Disconnecting from Teletraan might help.’

‘No!’ Red Alert spoke ‘I...I will be all right.’ He rose ‘I’m just tired. Yes, I need to recharge before going back on duty.’

‘Sure’ Inferno let him go, watching with concern as Red made for his quarters with heavy steps. He thought he heard Red mutter something.
Something about “ridiculous smiles”.

To Be Continued

continuity: idw, red alert, bluestreak, rated: g/k, non-challenge fic, continuity: g1, author: v_for_vincent

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