Fic: While Your Recharge

Nov 15, 2009 14:11

Title: While You Recharge
Author: Tanta Green
Pairing: Prime/Mirage
Rating: MA

Prompt: Mirage has been watching Optimus sleep at night, sneaking in by using his cloak. One night, maybe Optimus is perhaps influenced by some high grade (Halloween party?) and actually bumps into Mirage and realizes he's not alone...

Three things you want in your story: Slightly drunk Prime being fascinated with interfacing with an invisible Mirage, A dominating Mirage (after he gets over his initial surprise)

Three things you do NOT want in your story: Prefer no other characters heavily involved unless to move the fic along.

AN: Sorry if this seems a little rushed or not as good as it could be. Life happened right while I was trying to write this, so I don’t think I put as much effort into it as I would have liked. Interesting prompt though; even though I don’t like the pairing the prompt was enough to make me want to write it. Sorry to the requester if the smut isn’t quite how they wanted it. Prime and Mirage didn’t want to make things easy for me.

While You Recharge

Mirage kneeled on the floor, invisible optics fixed on the berth’s recharging occupant. He let them roam freely, taking in every tiny detail of the mech, starting wantonly in a way that would have raised more than a couple of suspicions had he been visible and the other mech awake. He could never allow that to happen though. The mech in question was so completely unobtainable that a confession during waking hours could only lead to spark-break. So instead Mirage would sneak in here most nights, cloaking device on, and spend a few cycles at the other being’s side, before retiring to his own room to work off the pent up energy and desire his nightly excursions would inevitably cause.

Sometimes he would try and tell himself that he was doing it partially to protect the other mech; no-one would be able to harm him while Mirage was in the room after all; but he knew he was just fooling himself. This was a selfish obsession. There was no decent excuse for his actions, but he found he could not help himself.

After all, he got to look at that beautiful strong frame as long as he wanted each night. His broad strong chest looked so comfortable, and he longed to run his hands over the plating there, and feel the warm, powerful spark beneath. Then there were his arms, so large and capable of so much strength. Mirage couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to be wrapped in those arms, or have his frame caressed by those beautiful hands. Most mesmerising of all though was his face, revealed for all the world to see in recharge as it never was during the day and Mirage couldn’t tear his gaze away from those beautiful lips.

They looked so inviting, and Mirage’s glossa darted out to moisten his own lips in response. It was so tempting, and surely one kiss couldn’t hurt, right? Even if it awoke the recharging mech then he wouldn’t see anything.

Mirage felt his self-control quickly disappearing. After all, it was just one kiss.

Mirage leaned over the berth, and very slowly and softly pressed his lips to those of Optimus Prime. He let them linger for only a moment, before he felt his leader’s lips twitch a little in response.

He pulled back quickly, and resumed his place at the side of the berth, staying as still and silent as possible. His entire frame was shaking though, both in nervousness at the possibility that he might be discovered, and from the pure excitement and bliss he felt at finally allowing himself such a forbidden pleasure.

His spark almost stopped when he saw Optimus’s optics switch on. The Autobot leader merely lay there with a confused expression on his face for a moment, before one hand moved up to gently touch his lips.

Oh Primus no, Mirage thought. He knew.

Optimus sat up slowly, optics briefly scanning the room, and of course he would find nothing, but that didn’t stop Mirage’s spark from feeling like it was going to explode out of his chest at any moment.

After a few seconds Prime let out a thoughtful and maybe, Mirage thought, disappointed ‘hmm’ and lay back down on the berth.

Mirage felt himself relax immediately, his frame releasing a surprising amount of tension considering he had only frozen up for a matter of seconds. That had been far too close. He had to stop it, otherwise, sooner or later, he would be caught.

As Optimus Prime drifted back into recharge, Mirage let his attention be caught once more by those lips, which he now knew were soft and tender and had felt so nice against his own.

He had to stop, but he knew wouldn’t. The sight of those lips alone made the risk worth it.


Mirage had to admit that he was quite proud of himself. He managed to make it three whole Earth days before he snuck into Optimus Prime’s room again. The energon had been flowing freely that night, due to an Earth celebration called ‘Halloween’. Mirage hadn’t really understood it; something to do with the dead coming back to life, wearing silly outfits, and consuming a ridiculous amount of something Spike had called ‘candy’. None of the others had really understood it either, but Bumblebee had wanted to please Spike so badly, and morale had been down lately, so Prime had allowed the celebration.

It had been a long time since many of them had touched high grade however, and they found it going to their processors quicker than they remembered. A group of mechs; Mirage vaguely recalled Ironhide, Jazz and at least one of the twins; had convinced Optimus that he needed to relax more, and at least three cubes of high grade had found their way into the Prime’s hands that evening.

Mirage watched from his table as Prime stood, a little unstable on his own feet, and excused himself from the festivities. He wasn’t really surprised. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen Prime touch even a drop of high grade.

Mirage had been sipping slowly at his own cube, and had consumed just enough to make his systems buzz pleasantly in a way that made the idea of following Prime back to his room irresistible. He told the others he was tired and ready to call it a night, ignored the disappointed cries for him to stay for ‘just another cube’ and slipped out after Prime with just enough distance between them that the Autobot leader wouldn’t be suspicious.

He waited for Optimus to turn a corner, glanced behind him to make sure there was no-one else in the corridor, and turned his cloaking device on, rendering him completely invisible to both normal optics and most other detection devices on the Ark.

He could still be heard, but Mirage had learned long ago how to remain undetected, and he caught up to Optimus Prime silently and swiftly. Sneaking into the leader’s private quarters had never been all that difficult, but tonight it was exceptionally easy. Prime was definitely overcharged, so his sensors were dulled, and his movements were slower and clumsier than usual.

Mirage crept to the nearest side of the berth, picked a spot on the floor, sat down and waited for Optimus to remove his mask, eager to see those lips once more. Perhaps he was overcharged enough that Mirage could risk another kiss without being detected.

Optimus was more overcharged that either of them would have guessed however, and after only a couple of steps he tripped over his own feet and began to fall. Mirage tried, but could not get out of the way fast enough, and Optimus fell right on top of him, sending them both sprawling on the floor.

One of Optimus’s hands had landed just above Mirage’s crotch plate, and he couldn’t stifle the whimper that came from him as that hand moved and pressed down firmly enough on a few certain sensitive wires to send a thrill throughout his entire body.

The larger mech hovered barely inches above Mirage, the look on his face one of pure shock and confusion. They stayed that way for a few long, painful seconds, Mirage too afraid to speak or even move, before Optimus Prime sighed as realisation dawned.


“Yes?” Mirage practically squeaked in reply.

“What are you doing in my quarters?”

Mirage felt as though he would die from embarrassment. He desperately searched around for something to say that wouldn’t sound ridiculous, and finding nothing, squirmed out from underneath Prime and ran straight for the door.

Prime was still affected by the high grade, but not so slow and clumsy yet that he couldn’t make a decent attempt at trying to grab Mirage and stop him from leaving. He reached out blindly and managed to grab Mirage’s lower arm just before he reached the door.

“Mirage,” Optimus repeated, his tone more of a warning now and his optics narrowed in suspicion. “Why are you in my quarters?”

Mirage squeezed his optics shut and silently cursed. This was it; the day he had been dreading, and now he was going to be thrown in the brig, or exiled, or one of a hundred other punishments that he had imagined. Whatever happened Prime would undoubtedly be disgusted and never want to look at him again at any rate.

“I...” he stammered, unsure of his own voice. “I saw you were a little unsteady on your feet at the party so I came back with you to make sure you got to your room all right.”

“Really?” Prime sounded doubtful, and Mirage couldn’t bear to turn around and see the look of anger that would undoubtedly be on the larger mech’s face. Optimus sighed and let his grip on Mirage’s arm lessen a bit, so that the smaller mech could have pulled away if he really wanted to.

“Mirage, could you please turn your cloak off,” the Autobot leader asked. “I don’t like having a conversation with someone I can’t see.”

Mirage did as Optimus had asked, but he still couldn’t bring himself to run around and look at the larger mech.

“I can’t believe you’re in here for that reason alone,” Optimus took a couple of steps closer to Mirage, and the spy had to resist the urge to pull away. “After all, there’s no reason for you to hide yourself or run away if your intentions truly are that noble.”

Mirage cringed and did try to pull away then, but Optimus simply grabbed his arm tighter, pulling him around so that Mirage was facing his leader. The smaller mech’s optics immediately dropped to the floor, still unwilling to see the angry look he knew would be on his leader’s face.

Optimus sighed again.

“Mirage, look at me.” His other hand moved to gently cup Mirage’s chin and tilt it up. “I’m not angry. I just want to know the truth.”

Mirage’s optics finally met with Prime’s and he realised Prime hadn’t been lying. There was concern yes, but no anger.

“I don’t know what to tell you,” Mirage confessed.

“You were in here three nights ago as well, weren’t you?”

“I... yes.” So now Prime knew for sure, and even if there was no punishment then he certainly wouldn’t allow Mirage to continue his nightly trespasses.

“You kissed me.”

“I’m sorry.”

Optimus’s hand was still on Mirage’s chin, and he gently tilted it up so that he could look Mirage in the optics once again. “Don’t be,” he whispered, and then with a ‘click’ his mask retracted, revealing those lips Mirage had fallen so madly in love with. “It was a good kiss.”

Mirage froze in shock as Optimus leaned down and pressed those lips gently against his own. Optimus’s arms moved to wrap around Mirage’s waist and pull him closer, and it was only then that the smaller mech allowed his optics to shut off. He pressed against Prime, moving his own hands up to rest on the larger mech’s shoulders and let out a small whimper as Optimus snuck his glossa into the kiss.

Never had Mirage allowed himself to think that this could be a possible outcome if Prime found out about his habit, and he kissed back eagerly; determined to take whatever Prime would give him with as much enthusiasm as possible.

Mirage let out a tiny moan as Optimus finally pulled back from the kiss. Optimus chuckled briefly and caressed the other mech’s helm.

“Thank you,” Mirage whispered.

“Don’t thank me just yet,” Optimus replied. “That isn’t all you wanted, is it?”

Mirage’s optics widened as Optimus picked him up and held him close in his large, strong arms. He carried Mirage over to the berth, only stumbling a couple of times despite his inebriation, and placed him on there gently so that he was lying on his back.

Optimus climbed onto the berth as well then, and hovered above Mirage on his hands and knees, smiling down at the other mech gently. Mirage couldn’t help but squirm beneath that gaze. His whole body felt like there was too much charge flowing through it, and he was just about to beg for Optimus to do something when the larger mech ran a hand down his torso, first tracing over the sensitive lines of his chest piece and then gradually moving down to eventually rest on his crotch plate.

“This is what you wanted, right?” Optimus asked as he gave the piece of armour a gentle squeeze that sent a wave of pleasure throughout the nearby circuitry.

Mirage moaned and arched into the touch. “Yes,” he whispered. “Please Optimus...”

Optimus’s fingers danced over the crotch plate again, removing it in a swift motion and immediately placing his hand on the wiring beneath. Mirage’s head bent back, and his mouth opened in a moan, though no sound came out.

Optimus let out a startled ‘hmm?’ and Mirage realised too late that as lost in the pleasure as he was, he had turned his cloaking device back on without meaning to.

“Oh... oh Primus I’m sorry,” Mirage stammered, covering his face in embarrassment even though he knew Optimus couldn’t see it. “I’ll turn it back off. Sorry...”

“No,” Prime said suddenly, his hand grabbing at the wiring a little in reflex, making Mirage whimper. “I think this could be interesting.”

“What?” Mirage whispered.

“Interfacing when I can’t see you,” Prime said a little uncertainly. His hand traced over Mirage’s interfacing circuitry again, and he watched the whole thing closely as he caressed wires he could clearly feel but not touch. “It could be interesting.”

“I get the feeling you’re only suggesting this because you’re still overcharged,” Mirage whimpered.

Optimus shrugged and traced his hands over the rest of Mirage’s invisible body, up over his chest and then around so that he held Mirage’s torso in his arms. He flipped the two of them over and then placed Mirage on top of him, wriggling a little and letting himself get used to the very odd combination of feeling the weight of someone on top of him, but seeing nothing.

Mirage shuffled around a bit nervously, not feeling any less embarrassed because of his invisibility. When his movements brought out a moan from the large mech beneath him however he began to relax. He could barely believe it was happening. He had Optimus beneath him, wanting to interface, and he could do what he had wanted for so long. He grinned, leaned down and pressed a kiss to Optimus’s lips, while his lower half writhed against him, the surprise and embarrassment beginning to fade as desire and bliss began to take over.

Optimus looked up, obviously still experiencing a mixture of confusion and absolute wonder at being able to kiss a mech he could not see. Mirage’s hands moved over his chest plate, caressing the glass as he had in his fantasies so many times, and then gradually moved lower until they ran over the larger mech’s groin panel, teasing it and then groping it hard, then teasing it once more in a pattern he knew would be maddening. Optimus’s optics had switched off fairly quickly, unable to deal with so much pleasure and the reality that he couldn’t see his partner at the same time. He let out a large moan then, as Mirage’s touches filled his hazy processor with lust.

“Mirage,” he moaned softly, as one not-too-confident hand reached down and felt around for a bit until it touched Mirage’s helm. Optimus caressed the other mech there, running one finger over Mirage’s lips when he found them.

Mirage kissed the finger gently, letting his glossa dart out to brush against the tip as he did. His hands continued their work on Optimus’s groin panel, until in a few seconds he had pulled the piece of metal free and let it fall to the floor with a clang.

He was about to plug their cables to each other’s ports when he felt Optimus’s hand reach out and touch his own.

“Here, let me do it,” Optimus said, voice laced with static and more than a little lust.

“How?” Mirage asked, grinning a little despite himself. “You can’t see my port.”

Optimus frowned, before grabbing his cable with one hand and the top of Mirage’s leg with the other. His hand moved up slowly until it brushed over Mirage’s port, bringing a needy gasp from Mirage’s vocaliser as the hand touched against the sensitive wiring there.

“That it true,” Optimus whispered, “but I can clearly still find it.”

He plugged into the smaller mech, optics widening in fascination as he took in the strange sight of his cable plugged into thin air and sparking wildly. The Prime switched his optics off quickly, before reaching around until he found Mirage’s cable as well and plugged it into his port with a loud groan as their connection was completed.

Mirage whimpered and collapsed on top of Prime, still barely believing that the pleasure he had wanted for so long was real. He ran his hands over the larger bot’s torso and arms and helm, caressing wherever they could reach. There was so much to take in, and it was all so perfect, especially with Prime’s current surging through his circuits like that.

“Oh Primus!” he called out. “Optimus...”

“Amazing,” Optimus responded, and Mirage looked up at the larger mech’s face to find him looking down the length of his body, obviously still fascinated. “I can feel you inside me... and around me, and on me Mirage, even though I can’t see any of you. It’s intoxicating and unique and oohhh....”

Whatever the Prime had been about to say was drowned out in a low long moan as a large pulse of pleasure shot through both of their systems. Mirage whimpered and clung to the mech beneath him. He soon felt Optimus wrap his arms around him and pull him closer and he couldn’t help but smile.

They were both writhing in pleasure now as wave after wave of bliss flooded their circuits. Optimus let out a moan and arched into Mirage’s body, sending out one large surge that undid the smaller mech completely. He overloaded, whimpering and clinging to Optimus as the overload echoed back over the connection and sent the larger mech into pure bliss along with him.

They each let out a low moan as the overload began to slowly fade, until Mirage flopped, every servo in his body completely relaxed, onto the larger body beneath him. He lay there panting as Optimus reached down with shaking hands to unplug the both of them, before moving his arms back to wrap around Mirage’s torso and hold him close. The Autobot leader leaned down to place a quick kiss to the top of Mirage’s helm, before flopping back and letting himself relax as well.

They lay like that for a while before Optimus broke the silence.

“So, you are content now, correct?”

Mirage frowned, afraid that he would be limited to this one night of pleasure, but he was more than glad to be proven wrong as Optimus continued.

“Well, I think we need to talk about this Mirage. No more sneaking around, understand? If you want to interface then I expect you to come straight to me, with you cloak on or off, and ask.”

mirage, rated: nc17/ma, author: tanta_green, method: sticky, optimus prime, continuity: g1

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