A good friend of mine recently suggested that if I have a problem, I should express it through writing it out. The problem is I've spent so long writing about other bots and events that I may have almost forgotten how to express how I feel. Ironfist seems so distant. I've spent so long simply writing as "Fisitron", the fictional biographer. But
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There had been very few arrivals as of late that Perceptor recognized from his own universe. It seemed as though, for some reason, that his universe just wasn't dumping as many bots into the Nexus.
Until today that is.
He almost thought he was imagining things when he spotted the bot leaning against a wall of one of the buildings that scattered Nexusville, all things considered, but he could hear the other talking--answering the infamous prompts that plagued them all--and he knew it was no illusion. Slowly the scientist drew closer, optics flickering as he finally stopped a few feet away.
The voice calling his name was as much of a surprise to Ironfist as it was to Perceptor. Although he hadn't been in this place long, he had seen no bots that he recognized. Snapping out of his thought process, Ironfist looked up, and when he registered Perceptor, his optics grew bright.
"Perceptor! It's good to see a familiar face," the smaller bot greeted as he scrambled to his pedes so as not to be rude. "I guess you can probably tell me, what is this place?"
He couldn't help but smile a bit despite his shock at seeing the other.
"It is good to see you as well, Ironfist," he replied, moving even closer now that he was sure the other was real. "We are not really certain what this place is exactly. It has been dubbed 'Nexusville' though, as there are bots and versions of bots we know from various universes outside of our own."
Straight to the point eh Perceptor?
Irofist blinked in surprise as the bluntness of the explanation, and the gears seemed to audibly turn in his head as he processed the information that was just thrown at him.
"Nexusville?" He repeated slowly as the information continued to sink in. "Versions of bots? Any of me?" He asked almost as a joke, but he seemed a bit apprehensive, clasping his hands together as the implications came into full view for the small inventor. It was unsettling.
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