G1 Fireflight
With the sunlight peeking through the clouds for the first time in a couple of days, Fireflight had decided to sit outside on the balcony. The warm light from the nearest star, however, soon managed to put the red jet to sleep. Sprawled on the balcony with one arm dangling over the edge, wings flicking occasionally in the light breeze.
The door to the main bar downstairs is open and you are free to help yourself to any energon or treats behind the counter. Fireflight seems to act strongly on the honor system and any vandalism or mess will be met with disappointed looks and a sad face so, if mess DOES occur do try to clean it up yourself before leaving.
Also feel free to poke the jetling, he's always happy to talk.
(ooc: SUPA OPEN POSUTO WA KOKO DESU YO!! blueprints if you want to explore ->
here and menu if you want to eat ->
FOODS be aware there is not liquid death or fireworks though :3 )