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Now, on to the bunnies )
Comments 9
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It could be either. I'd just love to see some interaction between the two.
One would think that Hot Rod would actually ask and check to see if Springer already had a lover. Roadbuster probably needs to go kick some aft now. XD
Yeah, Hot Rod really needs to think before he does things.
So Springer is already an excellent liar, but Hot Rod is convinced that he isn't? And Kup seems to be all knowing in that fact.
Would that be why Blitzwing is so crazy? Cause she is trying to hide something from a mostly mech Decepticon Army?
In Animated? It's possible.
I could totally see that happening since Hot Rod has no medical training probably knows next to nothing about a triplechanger's systems and he could easily mess something up.
*agrees* Hopefully, once he realizes he's messed up, he'll stop messing with Springer's systems instead of trying to fix his mistakes.
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I've only seen them interact once and it was only for a single scene in a Transformers/Quantum Leap crossover called Spring Forward, Leap Back. I've wanted more ever since.
He certainly does otherwise there might a Wrecker after him. This one is seeming pretty interesting. Could probably do it. ^^
He'll probably have a whole bunch of Wreckers after him. After all, no one hurts Springer and lives. And you might adopt? *happy dance*
I wonder how it'll take Hot Rod to figure that one out. XD
If Springer has his way, not for awhile. He's having far too much fun.
Or he wouldn't realize it and he would be confused as to why the medics are coming after him along with the Wreckers. I could probably do this, the bunny is nibbling.Oh man, once they manage to tell him he nearly killed Springer... He'll be horrified. And the Wreckers will likely never let him near Springer again. And ( ... )
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That only lead the question if xenobiologists would classifiy their bone structure as an Endoskleton (their support struts and metallic bones inside), Exoskeleton (their armor protecting the vulnerable core, something insects use) or not possessing bones at all?
And would they be symbiontes, parasits or just sentient beings using some sort of tools that are so important that they couldn't live without it?
Now sixteen won't leave me alone and I haven't got a clue what to do with him. I'd forgotten about that part of bunnies, where they won't leave your headspace but refuse to give you an actual fic to write. *weeps from frustration*
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