I went to my cousin's garden and took nearly all my Transformers with me... only I forgot to charge the battery to my camera the night before! So instead of hours I had less than two. I only posted the best of the best.
Title: Hiding Universe: Animated (Mother-Creator AU) Rating: G Characters: the Allspark, unnamed Autobots Summary: the only way she could see to end their war was to leave them. Warnings: none Author's Notes: surprisingly easy to write, once i realized that i wanted to be writing Animated instead of Avalonverse.
So, I've been seeing a bunch of people making Blurr cubes, in remembrance of the speedy Autobot D8 Well, I decided to make one of my own, along with an Optimus and Bumblebee Cube, too. :3 Here are a few pics of them. 8D ( Read more... )
Remember that lineart I drew just this weekend, of human Bumblebee? :3 Well, now that I've seen the preview for Human Error, I was able to color it properly...So here it is. :3
"Transwarped" got me thinking, and I have some musings on the Autobots, their nature, and potential thoughts on the origin of the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons.