Title: Through Fire and Flame (28 Red Alerts)
Chapter: Well-Shagged Red Alert
Rating: Rish
Warning: Cross-faction smut, dub-con
Pairing: Red Alert/Starscream
Universe: G1
Summary: Set in Auto-Berserk. Starscream finds a way to calm Red Alert down. Claimed by
cianel A/N - For some reason, Red Alert's head injury in Auto-Berserk kept making me think of the mother of all migraines. Add that to Red Alert's insanely sharp hearing and long-range sensors, and I can't help but wince.
It was something to focus on in the fog clouding his thoughts, something cool and steady as the rest of his senses sparked and crackled. Sleek lines, sharp red and bright white, standing out against the gloom. It was just easier to look at him than to try to make sense of the rest of the world.
So when Starscream pushed him up against the wall, Red Alert didn't protest. He clung to the jet, letting Starscream's fingertips explore their way across his doors. The sensation was almost enough for him to forget everything that had gone wrong today...
A flash of pain broke the spell as his sensor net malfunctioned again. Red Alert jerked back, his fingers digging painfully into Starscream's arms. “Ahh...”
Starscream winced, but didn't complain, holding Red as the spasm passed without comment. “Red,” he murmured when the Autobot slumped against him. “Look at me.” He gently turned Red Alert's face towards his. “Turn it off.”
“What-” Red Alert started, gaping.
“Your sensory net. Turn it off,” Starscream clarified.
“You trust me, don't you, Red?” Starscream coaxed. “It's just you and me, remember?”
“Yes, but-” Red Alert's voice shook.
“Shh. Offline your optics.” Starscream's thumb kept stroking his face comfortingly.
Hesitantly, Red Alert obeyed, his cooling fans picking up speed and betraying his anxiety. Hands ghosted down his sides, stroking and teasing across whatever caught Starscream's fancy. Slowly, Red Alert reached up, running an uncertain hand up Starscream's chest, feeling the seeker chuckle.
“Now the radar.”
Red Alert's fans hitched. “But-”
“You don't need it, Red. We're partners; I'll look out for you.”
He could trust Starscream, right? Slowly, feeling unsure about the whole situation, Red Alert pulled down his long-range sensors, feeling more helpless than he had in years.
Starscream slid his hands around to grip Red Alert's hips, pulling the blinded Security Director close. “And your audio receptors,” he whispered.
“What?” Red Alert tensed again. “But-”
“Can you say anything except 'but?'” Starscream asked in amusement. “Turn off your audios, and just trust me,” he crooned.
Shivering against Starscream, Red Alert complied, stifling the wave of panic that came with being totally blind and deaf. The only time his sensor net was off was when he was unconscious.
Get a hold of yourself, he thought with a flash of anger. You're acting like a frightened petro-rabbit.
And Starscream's hands hadn't stopped their explorations, either. Without the massive input of information coming through his damaged sensor net, there was nothing to distract him from the sensations Starscream was causing. Red Alert moaned, his shiver of anxiety turning into a shudder of pleasure as Starscream found that ever-sensitive spot just under his hood. He could feel Starscream speaking against his neck, but couldn't bring himself to wonder what the jet had said.
Starscream's turbine blades were turning, he realized, feeling the vibrations running up his legs. The jet pushed him to the warehouse floor, cold concrete contrasting with the heat building in his frame. He could feel his engine rumbling in a counterpoint to Starscream's, catching as Starscream worked his fingers into his grill.
Then Starscream brushed his engine block, and Red Alert wasn't aware of anything else at all.
Master List of DOOM!