Title: “A Good Friend”
Status: One-Shot; Complete
Fandom: Transformers, G1 (on Cybertron)
Characters/Pairing: Ratchet, Prowl
Word Count: 938
Disclaimer: I would love to own Transformers, but that honor belongs to Hasbro and some others. Shame!
Rating: K/T
Beta: The great snare-chan! Thank you so much for your help!
Summary: Being a medic is never easy,
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Comments 5
Such a sweet bot doing that inventory for Ratch =)
I thought it wouldn't do, you know, to really have the two of them talk. They go way back in that FF, so Ratchet has heard it all already, - the pity, the encouragements to not give up, that a dead patient is not his fault etc. etc. I don't take Prowl for a 'bot who believes that repeating the same thing over and over will make it true - that's not what Ratchet needs, I think.
Whoops, here I just go on and on LOL Sorry!
Thanks for reading ^-^
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