Title: Through Fire and Flame (28 Red Alerts)
Chapter: Obedient Red Alert
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sexual situations, general drunkenness.
Pairing: Inferno/Red Alert/Firestar
Universe: G1
Summary: After a wee too much high-grade on the parts of all parties involved, Firestar makes a suggestion. Claimed by
“Because Lamborghinis are kinky,” Inferno explained with a grin, leaning back in his chair.
“I'll have you know, I was kinky long before I was a Lamborghini,” Red Alert said, speaking with the careful manner of someone who has drank way too much and is trying not to show it. “Besides, how would you know? Have you slept with any other Lamborghinis?” He grinned up at Inferno.
“Ev'ryone knows they are,” Inferno said loftily, motioning with his cube for emphasis. His other arm was wrapped snuggly around Red Alert's middle. “An' gorgeous, too,” he added, nuzzling the top of Red's helm.
“Bet you say that to all your Lamborghinis,” Red Alert mumbled, tilting his head up to kiss Inferno.
“Hey, none of that!” Firestar chucked her empty cube at them. “No makin' out in front of the guests.”
“Ya mean, no makin' out without includin' the guest, right?” Inferno broke off the kiss to grin at Firestar.
“Exactly.” She waggled a finger at them. “So none of that 'less I get some, too.”
“I knew it,” Inferno teased, grin widening. “You just want me for my body.”
“Oh, no,” Firestar told him with mock seriousness. “I just want you for your Lamborghini.”
Red Alert choked on his energon. “Fetishists,” he muttered. “Both of you.”
“That ain't a no,” Inferno observed.
“You're serious.” Red Alert looked back and forth between them.
“You're surprised?” Firestar grinned.
“I really, really shouldn't be.” Red Alert shook his head
“Nope,” Inferno agreed, nuzzling at the back of his helm. “So... whatd'ya say?”
“Since you asked...” Since you asked, Red Alert thought, as Inferno's arm tightened around his middle. For no one but you... but for you, anything. “But just this once, so don't you two be getting any funny ideas,” he added, waggling a finger.
“Cross my spark.” Inferno's leer was anything but innocent.
“That doesn't even make sen- mph!” Red Alert broke off as Firestar took advantage of his distraction to plop herself in his lap and steal a kiss.
Then her hands were on his plating, and he suddenly found himself having misgivings about the whole situation. Not that Firestar would ever hurt him, but he couldn't help but feel that maybe this was a bad idea after all, and-
Oh frag, what in the Pit am I doing-
“Shh, trust me,” Inferno whispered hoarsely, his hand catching both of Red Alert's, holding him securely against his chest.“I won't let anything bad happen t'you. Ever.”
Red Alert found himself relaxing into the security of his arms. “I know,” he murmured back.
Firestar propped her elbows on Inferno's shoulders. "Aw, you two are just so adorable sometimes."
"Adorable, huh?" Inferno grinned at her, then twisted, sending all three of them to the floor in a heap of laughter and tangled limbs.
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