Title: Through Fire and Flame (28 Red Alerts)
Chapter: Exploring
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Character: Red Alert, Inferno, Hound
Universe: G1 Cartoon
Summary: Red has his first encounter with the great outdoors. He's less than impressed. Set just after Red and company arrive on Earth. Claimed by missusmandy
“Ready for the grand tour?” Hound asked cheerfully, sticking his head into the security center.
Red Alert looked up from where he was re-wiring the backup systems. “Yeah, give me a moment to secure this.” With a deft twist, he bundled the wires he was working on and closed up the panel. “Alright. let's go.”
Hound grinned, leading the way to the exit. “Time to go see how utterly hopeless the security situation is outside.”
“Can't be much worse than the situation inside,” Red Alert grumbled. “You should have just put up a sign saying 'Please sneak in, we aren't looking.' It would have been more effective.”
He'd almost missed the security director's snapping, Hound thought with a chuckle. It just wasn't home without Red Alert complaining about security. “Want to crawl up the mountain first, or head out to the perimeter?”
“Perimeter,” Red Alert decided, folding into his new alt mode.
“Oh, hey, Red!” Inferno called, spotting a familiar red and white figure stomping up the hall.
Mostly red 'n white, Inferno amended, noting the mud coating his legs and splattered across his chest. “...Rough trip?” he ventured.
Red Alert turned at the sound of his voice. “What is wrong with this planet?” he demanded. “I know it's organic, but does everything have to be so... so messy?”
“Aw, it's not that bad,” Inferno said, suppressing a grin.
“Not that bad? Not that bad?! I'm covered in decomposing organics!”
“It's called dirt,” Hound called, moseying after the security director. “And it's only part organic. Some of it's rock.”
Red Alert glared. “Fine. I'm partially covered in decomposing organic material,” he snarled. “And what kind of insane species makes vehicles with such low clearance on a world that's distinctively not flat?”
Hound's shoulders were shaking with the effort of not laughing.
“Lamborghinis are designed for streets, not off-roading.”
Red Alert threw his hands in the air. “I've seen the roads! That isn't flat, that's covered in bumps and potholes! And they're sticky!” He glared at Hound. “Stop laughing. It's not funny.”
“I'm not laughing,” Hound insisted with a wide grin.
Inferno chuckled.
Whirling around, Red Alert pointed a finger in Inferno's direction. “Don't you dare start.”
Hound couldn't help it - he laughed.
“That's it,” Red Alert growled. “I'm going to go lock myself in the washracks and not come out until I stop smelling like rotting vegetation.”
“It's called dirt!” Hound called after him.
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