Title: Friends
Author: RosieKnight
Rating: G
Disclaimer: If I owned either Transformers or Kingdom Hearts, I wouldn't be working in retail.
Summary: The reasons for friendship aren't always obvious, but they always exist.
Author Note: Posted at the request of
jim_ghote, the Tool Time/Transformers fic needs a larger re-write and will be up - hopefully - during this weekend.
Author's Note 12/15: Unless I have Sunday off and I get out of work before midnight tonight, the Tool Time/Transformers fic will NOT be going up this weekend.
At first glance, their friendship appeared odd. A giant, transforming mechaniod and a short, anthropomorphic mouse: what could they possibly have in common?
A closer look revealed quite a few, most of which were significant.
Both were rulers of their people, both had connections to mystical artifacts of great power, both had humble origins, both had seen someone they liked become an enemy, both were fighting a long-standing war, and both felt the pain of having to place duty before loved ones.
In short, the friendship was based on mutual understanding and the realization of their similarities.
All of this explained why King Mickey Mouse was playing a friendly game of chess against Optimus Prime.