Arts recs and two plot bunnies that need a home

Aug 13, 2007 12:18

I have some kickass art that I found on deviantArt to share with you guys. I'm hoping they inspire fic, or even more art. :D

First up is: Robo boy!Bee

What if the Autobots weren't giant alien robots, but cyborgs created by the government to be the ultimate super soldiers. Here's how I see the characters being.
Optimus Prime: (cyborg) The leader who really doesn't want to lead even though he's good at it. Not quite a 'noble' as his Autobot counterpart, but not that far removed from his either. Has difficulty dealing with the various mental problems of his teammates and is slowly being driven to alcoholism. Blackmailed into "volunteering" for the project by his Navy superiors.
Ironhide: (cyborg) The gung-ho, trigger-happy Army soldier that shoots everything that moves and some things that don't. Is stuck in a three-way affair with Ratchet and their army liaison, Capt. Lennox. Volunteered for the project.
Ratchet: (cyborg) The medic/engineer behind the project, and the only one besides Ironhide that actually volunteered for it. Sees the three-way affair with Ironhide and Capt. Lennox as a source of great amusement. The other "volunteers" carry a resentment of varying degrees for him, not that he cares. Has a temper that God himself would tremble before.
Jazz: (cyborg) Formerly an Air force pilot, and even though he didn't really volunteer for the project he takes the whole thing in stride for the most part. He takes whatever resentment he has out on the more serious members of his team. Ironhide is his main target, and the two of them are often at each other’s throats. Has a lot of respect for Prime's leadership abilities and for Ratchet's temper. Sees Bumblebee as the little brother he never had or wanted, but still has to take care of. Has a long term relationship with the local law enforcement liaison, Detective Prowl.
Bumblebee: (cyborg) Barely turned 18 when he was in an accident that should have killed him. Prime's team arrived stumbled upon his broken body by accident and Ratchet decided to "save" his life by turning him into a cyborg. His vocal cords and voice box were beyond salvation and he now communicates by creating holograms between the two antennas on his helmet. Suffers from almost crippling self-worth issues that are only broken up by his almost psychotic possessiveness over his mostly human partner, Sam Witwicky. Hates Ratchet the most for taking his life out of his own hands, though he doesn't show it.
Sam Witwicky: Human with only minor cybernetic enhancements that allow him to jack his brain into any computer system in the world. Is usually partnered with Bumblebee who guards his body while he's jacked in. Has a wisecracking personality that covers up the fact that he is uncomfortable with interacting with anything or anyone who doesn't have a computer for a brain. Was "volunteered" by his father, one of the engineers behind of the project, to undergo the enhancements. Might be in love with Bumblebee, though he's not sure.

I really want somebody to write this, but I also really want to finish "Comfort Calling Late," so I can't so it myself. You don't have to use the character templates above if you don't want to. They were mostly just suggestions. What you do with the other character is completely up to you. What kind of assignments the team is sent of is completely up to you. I just want cyborg Autobots.

And also presenting three art works that have...Bumblebee Prime!
Bumble Prime My Favorite
Bumblebee the Prime Autobot An intimidating Bumblebee. What has the world come to?
Auceps Prime Don't like this one at all, but it's Bumblebee Prime so I had to include it.

I want Bumblebee Prime fic. I don't care how or why he becomes Prime, I want Bumblebee Prime. I also want Sam stuck in there somehow, but it's not required. Anybody who can write this for me gets a gift drabble of choice topic and my eternal love. Now write, damn you!

x-posted at beexsam

recs, holo/human!robot, requests, plot bunnies, poster: sbx, fan art, bumblebee (07-08), challenge

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