Title: Borealis 74/92: Sigh No More - Part II
tainryDisclaimer: Not mine, no money.
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing(s): Ensemble
Warnings: Violence, mild robot snuggles, vomiting.
Summary: Wherein the Autobots on Chaar have a bad time; friends gather for Winterthing; fun is had in snow; and Dani is morning sick.
Notes: With apologies to Mumford
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Comments 15
Dani is and isn't like her parents. She's very keen on the whole transhumanist thing. Which. Would be one kind of thing that might happen if you were lovingly half-raised by a bunch of giant alien robots. <3
Heee! Strake and TC are close, but what I'm after there is showing that this sexual reproduction thing is just completely weird. The idea does not occur to them naturally, despite the living with humans. XD
Thankee! <333
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Oh Roddy. ;D
Then the SNOW. Somehow, nuclear winter has become a FUN thing. The contrast of those scenes against the first is part of what makes this story continue to bring so much joy. Even in the midst of loss and pain and horror, there is always time for joy and love and play. Optimus with that giant snowball, and then Sam later getting his revenge. SO MUCH HAPPY
Then the pbots. I'm with Mikaela on that soft spot. And there is NO resisting First Aid hugs. SNOW ANGELS!!!!
And oh, those reunions. Strake and TC are SO close to figuring things out. I yearn for them to, to be honest.
Dani and Roddy!!!!!!!! jkadl;flkajsdflklakjfa;dsl;kfdas <3 I love you. Her pain at being born 100 years to early, I identify SO hard ( ... )
I knew I wanted that scene there, and then finally Springer gave me the hook for it. \o/ Of course, Springer thinks it's easy as just deciding that's what you're going to do. He hasn't been IN there yet. It's a far harder choice than he thinks. ::pats him::
Can has snow! Snow in the desert is very beautiful to me for some reason. I love the layers of sandstone highlighted like that. And the things it does to the light. And then add v beautiful metal people. ::swoons::
Strake and TC are mucking about with my long-term plans for sure. XD I was all set for drama, and then went to write stuff for "Trine" during NaNo and they laughed at me! XDDD So that got a lot more silly than I thought it was going to be. I can't help it if these guys are smart as well as pretty. ::runs:: (TC refuses to learn to type, however. Strake thinks the antique manual typewriters look kind of neat. Miniscule but interesting. You guys!!! XDDD ( ... )
"Means 'no.'" Who made Prime watch Pirates of the Caribbean? *g*
And Sam's revenge! I've never been in a snowball fight--it doesn't snow here--but I assume it must suck to have snow down your neck, even if you're a giant alien robot.
Randomly, is/was Borealis/Ixchel Chase a gender-flipped version of Chip Chase from G1? Because I kind of figured Dani was Daniel and maybe Nate was Nancy (from Animated), but wasn't sure if I was reading too much into the names or something.
It doesn't snow here but we've been to visit. It does indeed suck to get snow down your shirt. XD
Ixchel Chase is EXACTLY a gender-flipped version of Chip Chase. And so too with Dani and Nate! Brownie points for you! :DDD
The only difference, then, being that Ixchel was a Latina and died in her 50's. The sweater, the glasses, short hair, general Remus Lupinishness, yeah... Heeee! That's a terrific drawing, I hadn't seen that one. Thank you for the link! <333
*grins in glee* Oh, oh, I think that TC and Strake is getting closer to what really going on with the group of "Newsparks". *frowns sadly* I know that you said that TC was going to pass on to the Well of Allspark but...I want to see TC's sparkling. Shoot, I would love it more if I could see a spark made up of Strake/TC/Prowl threesome. The Pbots did it so the trine should be able to as well.
Ah, Dani, so much like your parents and so much different. I think Roddy is doing a fine job of filling in the roll of husband/daddy. She is so right, she does have a village to help her raise her child.
Now to go back and reread it.
Heehee! Oh yes, the Seekers, so much fun! ;D
He actually is, despite essentially being a kid himself. He's a good kid. And Dani's smart, she's doing things for a reason, after due consideration. She really really does have a village, yes! :DDD
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