Stats post, Sat 09 November 2013

Nov 15, 2013 18:33

Hey there :)

The claiming post for the Advent Calendar 2013 is up. :D Please feel free to claim a day, or maybe even a second. :)
I hope you all will have lots of fun with it in December. :D

We also need a banner/icon maker for these kind of events. If you like to make icons or banners, and want to join the speedwriting mod team, please poke me. :)

And now the stats. :D

The Prompts

#1 Dodging a bullet
#2 Irredeemable (a coupon? a person?)
#3 Click on This first line of poetry generator to generate a line you can use as the first line, or the theme, of your story.
#4 Setting: A casino in the early morning
#5 Scenario: A character loses one of his or her five senses at the worst possible time: how does he or she cope?
#6 Task: Write an AU where Transformers take over the main leads in a movie, tv show, or book, etc, and go from there. (So...what if Optimus Prime is suddenly a Jaeger pilot in Pacific Rim? What if he's Rick Grimes from Walking Dead?)


- Discover (Prompt #1)
- Malpractice (Prompt #2)
- Bad Starts (Prompt #3)
- Late Night (Prompt #4)
- Sightless (Prompt #5)
- CHICKEN RUN fusion (Prompt #6)

The next writing day starts Saturday, 16 November 2013

naboru :)

!mod post, !stats post

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