Stats post, Sat 14 April 2012

Apr 20, 2012 22:34

Hey there!

Wow, this week was awesome! We have 4 full sets! :D *squees* Congrats to dellessa, jarakrisafis and mmouse15! :D
And thank you all for participating! It’s so great to see so many fics! :D I’m so happy to see how the prompts inspired your writing! :D *shares cookies*

The full set icon will be posted later due to RL, but wow… 4 Full sets! *squees* :D

I hope to see you all tomorrow again! ;)

The participation icon for last week. :)

And the full set icon for requiem_revista. :D

The Prompts

#1 Challenge: make the unsexy sexy. Choose an aspect of TFs that you don't think of as particularly sexy - not something you actively dislike, but something that you haven't given much thought to before. Now, write it like it's the hottest thing your character(s) can imagine.
#2 Scenario: intimacy in a confined space. Any kind of intimacy - physical, emotional, psychological, up to you.
#3 Scenario: lovers against adversity. Two (or more) characters who pursue a relationship despite the fact they're really not meant to.
#4 Inebriated. Let's have some tipsy fumbling ;)


- Close Quarters (Prompt #2)
- Safe in his Arms (Prompt #3)
- The Promise (Prompt #1)

- Highgrade and Havoc (Prompt #4)
- Suitability (Prompt #3)
- Simple Things... (Prompt #1)
- Alone at Last (Prompt #2)

- Slipping to Horizontal (Prompt #1)
- Ultra Plush (Prompt #2)
- Misfit Toys (Prompt #3)

- Pretty (Prompt #1)
- Singing (Prompt #2)
- Made to be Broken (Prompt #3)
- A better night includes... (Prompt #4)

- Car Wash (Prompt #1)
- In A Tight Spot (Prompt #2)
- Are You Drunk? (Prompt #4)
- A Fascination With Oddities (Prompt #3)

- Spark's Glow (Prompt #3)

- Oxymoron (Prompt #3)
- Battle Mask (Prompt #1)
- Enjoyment (Prompt #2)
- Untitled (Prompt #4)

The next writing day starts Saturday, 21 April 2012

naboru :)

!stats post

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