CHALLENGE: 2015 Fanwork-a-Thon

Sep 11, 2015 13:59

Hello everyone! Welcome to TF Rare Pairing's second annual fanwork-a-thon and community lotto!

Last year was such a raging success, that we are bringing back the event! We have a passel of new and different prizes, and a new old-prompts list for this year!

Here's how the event will work:

1. The mod team will post a list of old weekly request prompts.

2. You, the community content creators, will have 1 month and two weeks to peruse the list ( located here,) choose prompts and create content.

3a. Each fill meeting the minimum size requirements for your content type will earn you one lotto ticket. Each lotto ticket is worth one entry into the prize drawing. (ETA: The fanwork-a-thon lotto is now open!)

3b. Each fill not meeting the minimum size requirements will still earn you the participation graphic, which may be displayed on your personal space.

4. Participation in the lotto is not mandatory. If you're not interested in the prizes, just say you opt out in the notes section of your header.

5. All content for this event must use the following header:

Title: (untitled is acceptable, just make sure you say that your piece is)
Pairing: (if shippy or smutty. Family, friend or enemy relationships need not be listed)
Notes: (notes are optional, but this is where I'll check to see if you've opted out of the lotto)

6. To participate in the prize lotto, your content must meet these minimum requirements:

Fic: 500 words or higher
Art: one finished piece (this means clean lines. Inks and colors are at the artist's discretion)
Icons: 10
Wallpaper: 800 x 600

For any content type not on the list, please ask for a size requirement. I covered the common types of content around here, but they are not all by any means.

6. Post your creations to the comm any time between now and October 31. We will hold the lotto drawing on the November 1st. Please remember to use the tag challenge: 2015 sept oct lotto-thon

7. Once you have a lotto ticket, you may go to the prize page ( located here) and "drop" your ticket into the comment section below the item you would like to win.

8. Winners will be drawn and notified on November 1. Once the winners have been notified, they need to contact the mod who PM’d them to claim their prize within 7 days.

8b. If prizes are not claimed within 7 days, a new ticket will be drawn and a new winner chosen.

9. Have fun and fill prompts!

mod post, challenge: 2015 sept oct lotto-thon

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