Weekly Request Stuff!

Dec 31, 2012 00:41

Last one of 2012!

doomiscool  Holding Out (PG Prime: Knockout/Dreadwing 'hand worship') <--for a previous week, I was without internet and unable to correct so here it is now!)

indigo_gale  You Treat Me Like a Stranger (PG G1: Powerglide/Moonracer)
                           Antebellum's Fool (PG TFA: Drift/Botanica)

niyazi_a Power Trip (M: IDW Megatron/Deadlock pnp)

Let's start off 2013 and your new prompter by sending in some prompts! tfrare.pair@gmail.com.

As this is Resurrection Sunday, and the last one of 2012, let's make it easy!
Here are the December Weekly Request Posts from last year, 2011. *timewarp*
One and Two and Another  for your inspirations!

Best wishes for 2013!

weekly request roundup, weekly request post

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