Fall Challenge!

Sep 10, 2012 21:15

I'm pleased to announce the next challenge for our comm, and hope that you'll participate!

This time, we give you two options. You can do one, the other, or maybe, if you're feeling frisky, combine the two ideas!



ONE:  School/Academy days. Tell us a story about your rare pairing in some sort of school or training scenario. What were they like back then? What happened?

TWO: Theme song! Seriously, does anyone not have a playlist or theme song that reminds them of a pairing?  Please, if you choose this option, indicate the song and artist and if possible link us to the song (on Youtube, etc) so we can hear it ourselves.

The Fine Print:

* You can pick any rare pairing (Here's a link to the banned pairing list!). No signups required, but if you wonder about the rareness, you can comment to this post and we'll weigh in.

*You can do either fic or art for this challenge. Fic should be a minimum of 500 words, art can be any medium.

* Also, a reminder: any rating is welcome, but please include all appropriate warnings or content advisories and if the entry is rated over PG-13 it must be members locked to the comm.

* Please use the challenge: fall 2012 tag

* Posting begins 15 September and will run to 15 October. We're posting a few days early to get the bunnies stirring! Please do not post your entry until 15 September.

* Any questions, please ask on this post!

* Thanks as always to eerian_sadow, and also to mmouse15, co-brainstormer on this challenge!

We look forward to reading your entries and hope this sparks your muses!

challenge announcement, challenge: fall 2012 dual prompts

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