March Challenge: Rumi!

Feb 27, 2012 14:26

1.Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

2.You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?

3.“When I am with you, we stay up all night.
When you're not here, I can't go to sleep.
Praise God for those two insomnias!
And the difference between them.”

4.Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.

5. Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure.

6. You wander from room to room
Hunting for the diamond necklace
That is already around your neck!

7. And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth,
"You owe me."
Look what happens with love like that.
It lights up the sky.

8. Love so needs to love
that it will endure almost anything, even abuse,
just to flicker for a moment.

9. You think because you understand 'one' you must also understand 'two', because one and one make two. But you must also understand 'and’.

10. Whoever finds love
beneath hurt and grief
disappears into emptiness
with a thousand new disguises.

11. Love comes with a knife, not some shy question, and not with fears for its reputation!

12. beyond the rightness or wrongness of things there is a field, I'll meet you there.

More than one person can claim a quote, and more than one person can claim a pairing--more fic = better! I would ask that you only claim one at a time (make a claim, write and post the fic (OR do the art!) before making another claim) just to keep you rolling!

The rules:

* Your entry (fic or art) must be created for this challenge--no posting of previously written works, please. 
* If it's fic it must be a minimum of 500 words, preferably spellchecked or beta'd.
* The challenge will close at midnight EST on 31 Mar (so like, 12:01 1 APR)
* Please use the 'challenge: rumi' tag in your entry. 
* Please post using a full header, and if it involves interfacing, please include the interface type.
* Your fic or art must feature a rare pairing. Any continuity or AU is fine, but you must use canon characters!
* Claim below!  Comment with the continuity and pairing and the number of the quote you'd like to write for this challenge and I or one of the other mods will approve. If you complete one entry and want to write another, feel free to come back and claim again.
* Any other questions, ask below (I'm sure I'm forgetting something).
Thanks again to head mod eerian_sadow for letting me pull this challenge together.  Also, notifs are still a bit flaky for me. I'll be manually checking this post but if more than a day's gone by and no response, ping me on a PM, please!

As usual, I'm posting this a few days early to hopefully get your juices flowing: please don't post until 1 March 2012.

I hope you have fun with this!

challenge: march 2012 rumi, challenge announcement, topic: mod post

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