January Challenge!

Dec 30, 2011 12:04

Once again, head moddess eerian_sadow has let me scrape up a challenge idea! (This is my reward for all those tags I sneak on and attach when y'all ask for them!)

Your challenge for January is:

Through Another's Eyes

For this challenge, you will tell the story of the rare pairing you pick through the perspective of another mech. So, say I claim IDW Trailbreaker/Wing as my pairing, I would envision how their relationship looks to, say, Springer.  For claiming, we’re most interested in the pairing (we want to make sure it’s not on our list of Not So Rare pairings). Claim your POV (Point of View) character, too, but feel free to change that if a better idea comes along.

And just this once, because I <3 angst so much, if you want the POV character to be a fanon partner with one of them (so, say Jazz's thoughts on Prowl/Red Alert), go for it, but keep in mind: the focus of your fic or art should be on the rare pairing!

The same fine print as last time:

* Your entry (fic or art) must be created for this challenge--no posting of previously written works, please. 
* If it's fic it must be a minimum of 500 words, preferably spellchecked or beta'd.
* The challenge will close at midnight EST on 31 Jan (so like, 12:01 1 Feb)
* Please use the 'through anothers eyes' tag in your entry. 
* Please post using a full header, and if it involves interfacing, please include the interface type in the header.
* Your fic must feature a rare pairing. Any continuity or AU is fine, but you must use canon characters!
* Claim below!  Comment with the continuity and pairing you'd like to write for this challenge (and the POV character if you want) and I or one of the other mods will approve (last time I was having a major notif!fail--I think that's fixed!). If you complete one entry and want to write another, feel free to come back and claim again (Claiming will close 31 Jan).
* Any other questions, ask below (I'm sure I'm forgetting something).

Once again: posting a day or two early to help get the brain juices flowing: feel free to claim and jump in, but please don't post until 1 January 2012.  And best wishes for the new year to all of you! :D

ALSO, multiple 'claims' are allowed for the same pairing. I know most of y'all know this, but just in case you didn't, now you do!

EDIT the second: Please only claim one pairing at a time. This is not meant to be a contest of who can write the most!  I've seen people claim dozens, and then get so locked up they only write one and then feel like a failure. That's not fun, and that's not what a challenge should be about!  Multiple fics are encouraged, but pace yourselves!  Sorry for being unclear.  orz

challenge announcement, challenge: jan 2012 through anothers eye, topic: mod post

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