Oct 29, 2011 11:50

I know, November's NaNo for many of us, but some of us, not! So head mod eerian_sadow , the ever-awesome, has let me host a November Challenge for us!

This is a variation of the 'five times' theme many of you may be familiar with for fanfiction, only this time, let's combine it with my favorite thing: Firsts!  So, your challenge is:


Write a story about your pairing, in five sections or vignettes, each highlighting a first for the relationship.  (Suggestions, but you are not limited to these: first meeting, first kiss, first fight, first date, first dance, first jealousy, first really kinky sex, first confession, first breakup, first time in combat, first memory, first injury, first hurt-comfort, first snuggle, first snowball fight, first apology sex, first new apartment, etc.)

In the spirit of the five-times theme, you can also use a variation: Four firsts and one last.


* Your entry (fic or art) must be created for this challenge--no posting of previously written works, please. 
* If it's fic it must be a minimum of 500 words, preferably spellchecked or beta'd.
* The challenge will close at midnight EST on 30 Nov (so like, 12:01 1 Dec)
* Please use the 'five firsts challenge' tag in your entry. 
* Please post using a full header, and if it involves interfacing, please include the interface type.
* Your fic must feature a rare pairing. Any continuity or AU is fine, but you must use canon characters!
* Claim below!  Comment with the continuity and pairing you'd like to write for this challenge and I or one of the other mods will approve. If you complete one entry and want to write another, feel free to come back and claim again (Claiming will close 30 Nov).
* Any other questions, ask below (I'm sure I'm forgetting something).

I hope you have fun with it! I am posting this a few days early so people can claim and start brainstorming, but please, don't post until 1 November! 

challenge announcement, challenge: nov 2011 five firsts, topic: mod post

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