Rec - My Commander by Swindleslog

Aug 08, 2011 07:54

(I might be making just a few posts this morning, as I fell asleep before I could do this last night)

Author: swindleslog
Title: My Commander
Characters: Starscream, Steve the Eradicon
Continuity: Prime
Rating: NC-17. I think. Please feel free to correct me if I'm using that wrong.
Warnings: Tentacles, masturbatory fantasy. (Tactile)
Author's Summary: Steve the Eradicon (or 79, as I called him in the fic), finds himself with some rare alone time, and uses it to enjoy a new fantasy featuring his favourite Commander.

I'll admit to having a bit of a soft spot for Steve the Eradicon. Especially in something as hot, entertaining and ever-so-slightly melancholic as this fic. The characterisation is great fun, Steve's fantasty works exceptionally well, and the whole thing is highly entertaining and a lot of fun to read. Also: tentacles! *happy flaily squee*

(And yep, I'm giving Steve his own tag. Just 'cause.)

character: steve the eradicon, continuity: prime, character: starscream, rating: nc-17, theme: uncommon pairings

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