Fic: The Rape of Ryoma

Jun 29, 2006 22:12

Title: The Rape of Ryoma
Author: Tezuka Kunimitsu
Pairings: princeofwriting/....hanamura
Rating: R for Revolting.
Warnings: Non-con, cross-gen.
A/N: Written as a challenge response to gekidasadaze. :| This is completely and utterly fictional.

It wasn't Ryoma's fault. He'd always preferred playing tennis (specifically with his buchou) to frivolous activities such as reading, especially reading mediocre books such as the Harry Potter series. Thus, he had never learned of Polyjuice Potion, a fact that the evil, untalented Hanamura Aoi counted on. She commissioned the traitor Severus Snape to mix up a batch for her.

After collecting hair from the unsuspecting Tezuka Kunimitsu, she attempted to drop them into the simmering concoction. She had not realized that Tezuka's hair, being half-Veela, had magical properties in it that resisted being used in such a dastardly plot; they simply fluttered off to the side of the beaker.

Angrily, she tried time and time again; the hair wouldn't stop sticking to her disgusting finger -- it would pause midair -- it would wrap around her wrists in protest. Finally, she tried to kiss the hair, and in an attempt to escape from those diseased lips, the hair struggled and fell into the potion.

Gleefully, she downed it, and went off in search of Ryoma.

Ryoma saw Hanamura, who looked just like Tezuka except for the fact that she was smiling a lot, and went over to her, grinning in that adorable, smirking way that he was prone to doing. "Buchou," he said, and Hanamura's eyes started fluttering in excitement.

However, for the sake of what she wanted, she quickly rearranged her face into one of serious stoicness. "Echizen," she whispered in Tezuka's voice, leaning down to press Tezuka's lips to Ryoma's.

Ryoma froze for a moment; he'd always envisioned his first kiss to be with Tezuka, but this -- this wasn't the romantic setting he'd pictured. However. It was Tezuka, and for once he was making a move without reservation, so he accepted it, and let his beautiful lips part. Hanamura quickly slipped her tongue inside of the wet heat, reveling in the taste of the twelve year old.

Ryoma's hands wound their way around Hanamura's back, drawing her closer. Being daring and unsuspecting all at once, his hands worked their way under Tezuka's lavender shirt, seeking the hot skin beneath. "Ryo-chan," Hanamura breathed, breaking their lips apart. "My beautiful, baby Ryo-chan, make your Hana-mommy scream with pleasure."

Reality came crashing down and Ryoma screamed and screamed as he realized that this was most definitely not his shy and thoughtful buchou. Tezuka, hearing his beloveds cries from miles and miles away, quickly flew via magical tennis to Ryoma's side and Tezuka Zone'd the imposter into oblivion.

"Buchou," Ryoma said, ashamed. "I'm sorry I didn't save my first kiss for you."

"Ryoma," Tezuka replied, blushing a little, but firmly tilting Ryoma's head up. "Let me tell you about time turners ..."

And so they went back in time and this never happened.

The end.


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