Till Death Do We Part? ch. 2

May 12, 2008 11:18

Summary: AU story. Michael has an unwanted presence in his head which will either drive him into insanity or gain him a soul. Set around Kindred. This is my way of exampling why he’s been acting insane in the recent episodes. Teyla/Michael

Here’s the second chapter. Big thanks to Alauralen for being my beta.

Till Death Do We Part?

Chapter 2

Michael simply rolled his eyes at this and slowly shook his head. Why me? He thought to himself.

Because you deserve it, she answered.

He angrily moved away from the table, and began preparing himself for the next step in his plan. With a look of determination he walked into a small side room and closed the door behind him. He just stood there for a moment in the darkened space as he tried to calm himself. Slowly, he sat down on the only chair in the room.

He heard Solaris sigh in agitation. Oh, here we go again.

Michael paid her no mind and instead focused on clearing his thoughts. Gradually, his breathing slowed down, his mind drifted from his physical body, reaching for Teyla’s. It took some time, but he was once again able to enter her thoughts, hidden behind the image of her beloved Kanaan.

“Teyla,” he spoke softly. He watched as Teyla opened her eyes to find herself back in the middle of the forest.

“Kanaan! Where are you?” Relief and concern could be heard in her voice.

“I don’t know,” he answered.

Liar, Solaris mumbled as Michael tried his hardest to stop her from disturbing his link with Teyla.

“How can I find you?”

“You already know where to go to uncover the answers.”

“The village?”

Michael had to stop himself from smirking at how easy this was.

Proud of yourself, aren’t you? Solaris questioned.

“You stopped looking,” he said, trying to ignore Solaris’ voice as she mocked his words.

“I went! I found nothing.”

“You were close. Please, Teyla. Our time is running short.” He reached out to her. “We need you.”

“Kanaan,” she said as she reached out and took his hand.

Her face was filled with anguish. For a second, Michael regretted what he was doing to her, but, only for a second.

He quickly pulled out of her mind, already feeling Solaris’ presence growing and fearing that she would somehow warn Teyla.

An instant later everything began to fade away, leaving Michael once again alone in the dark room.

I hope you know that this isn’t going to work, Solaris said.

“You sure about that?” he replied with a cocky smile.

Yes, you’ll see, she promised.

Michael briefly became worried about what she meant, but he quickly pushed the thought away, and refused to heed her warning. However, what he didn’t realize was that Solaris that been using his link with Teyla to form a link of her own. Soon she would be able to travel back and forth between them.


Anticipation filled every nerve within Michael’s body as he watched the Wraith dart return to his ship. The mission had gone exactly as planned; and Teyla had unwittingly allowed herself to be captured. He knew that Atlantis would soon begin searching for her, but he doubted that they would ever find her.

Michael turned away from the screen before him and summoned one of his hybrids. Place her in a cell, and be careful not to harm her, he said through their shared telepathic link. Once the hybrid nodded in acknowledgement, Michael dismissed him.

So, when are you going to go see her? Solaris questioned. Are you nervous? You seem nervous.

Michael ignored her as he attempted to hold on to the fleeting feeling of contentment he’d had. He briefly closed his eyes and pictured himself surrounded by his army as they destroyed the last of the Wraith. Soon he would be the sole ruler of this entire universe.

Keep dreaming big, Solaris commented as she glanced at the images in his mind.

Michael quickly opened his eyes and sent a mental glare towards her. He released a frustrated sigh and then turned back to the large screen.

“Set a course for the other planet,” he said out loud to his crew.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hours had passed by the time Michael decided to pay Teyla a visit. He slowly approached her cell and watched as recognition and horror appeared on her face.

“Michael!” she exclaimed in disbelief as she looked at him. It took only a moment for the shock to wear off and the confusion to set in. “Why am I here? What do you want?”

Michael just looked at her as if she hadn’t spoken at all.

“Answer me!” she yelled.

“I want the same thing you do,” he replied with an amused smirk.

“And what could that be?” She tried to control the anger already rising inside of her.

“The extermination of the Wraith. I'm building an army that will soon replace them as the dominant race in this galaxy.”

“An army of monsters,” she hissed.

“Teyla, you surprise me. You would call your own people monsters?” he asked with a tilt of his head.

“My people! You took them?” Teyla walked closer to the cell door and briefly looked down the corridors. “Where are they? What have you done with them?” Her voice was frantic as she spoke.

“They are alive and well, and helping me to reach my goal.” He took a step closer to the cell. “I've refined the retrovirus to create the perfect balance. My hybrids have abilities well beyond any normal human, but, without the one weakness that will be the downfall of the Wraith.”

Teyla watched as he lifted his right hand and showed her his palm. The feeding slit was gone, and in it’s place, a reddened scar. “You no longer have the need to feed.” As she said this, she began to put the pieces together. “It was you. You are the one responsible for spreading the Hoffan drug.”

“A necessary means to an end.”

“You are truly a heartless being,” she whispered.

An expression of hurt appeared on Michael’s face for a split second, before it was replaced with fury.

“I suggest you get comfortable, you will be here for a while.” He turned away from her and left.

“Wait! Where are my people?” Teyla shouted, as she clung to the cell door. “Michael!”

The distress in her voice caused him to slightly wince, but he did not look back.

Well, that went well. Solaris did little to hide the laughter in her voice. A second later her tone turned serious. Feels strange, doesn’t it?

The sincerity he heard in her voice almost startled him. “What are you talking about?” His expression was that of confusion even though he knew she could not see it.

Your roles are now reversed. This time she’s the one in the cell while you’re on the outside.

“I guess they are. Naturally, I intend to show her the same hospitality her kind showed me.”

Solaris was silent for a moment as Michael continued down the corridor. Do you think that’s fair? She suddenly asked.

“Of course it is.”

Well, technically, she did nothing to you. It was the others that chose to change you. She could not have stopped them, and you know that.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Why? Because you’re angry at the universe and that means that everyone must suffer? Even those who’ve shown you kindness?

“No one ever showed me any type of kindness!” he yelled out loud, startling the hybrids that stood around him. He paid them no mind as he continued walking.

She did. Solaris’ reply was simple, but insistent. Or, have you forgotten?

“It was a lie, it was all a lie,” he hissed.

Was it? Are you sure? Because, looking back at your memories, I can still see the look of betrayal she had on her face the day you attacked her and first took her captive. So, isn’t there a chance that it might not have all been a lie?

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear anymore!” he shouted.

Fine, but you know I’m right, Solaris said getting the last word, before finally allowing him a moment of peace.

Michael slowed his pace and stopped at the entrance to the control room. He took a moment to compose himself. “These damn emotions will be the death of me.” He mumbled to himself, and almost envied his hybrids for the fact that they no longer had to feel anything. A second later he stepped into the control room, so preoccupied with his own thoughts and dilemmas that he did not notice the absence of Solaris’ presence.


Dramatic music? Or maybe not. lol.

If you liked it let me know :)


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