Ahh, the good old familiarity of normalacy! Now that the holidays are over, I'm back to normal working hours. Feels great not to be a bum anymore!
Submissions Post Fifty Six is
still open.
0 secrets from Submissions Post Fifty Six still to be posted.
I cannot stand Harry/Hermione shippers. Get over yourselves! JK Rowling herself has said that H/Hr is not happening.
I've decided to graduate high school early this year, in December. I feel like I'm ready to get out of this small town and be on my own and actually study stuff in college that's appealing to me. Mostly, I'm going this to get away from everybody that lives here.
But, honestly, I'm scared as hell.
I sent a letter to a friend saying that I am, on no uncertain terms, in love with him. It's been over a month, and occasionally he will call and talk to me, and we instant messenge eachother almost daily, but he hasn't said a word about it...part of me is worried that I might have messed up the only good thing I had going in my life. The other part of me feels like it was the only thing I've done that was worth doing.
I like to think of myself as being very respectful in regards to other people's lifestyles. So I don't want this to be taken in a bad way, because I have a lot of respect for vegans and/or vegetarians.
But sometimes, I can't help but wonder if they've just never had an amazing burger.
I'm considering going to a shrink and getting anti depressants. I'm just really really scared. It's been three years, this needs to stop, but i'm still too scared.
We love each other, but I think it's getting close to the time for you to leave. Everything I do upsets you. Neither of us are happy. You aren't happy because I'm not happy, and I am broken and don't know how to be happy. I want to stop hurting you, but it's up to you to leave, it would hurt you too much if I left you.
I wrote a PWP last night and then made a joking entry about it on my LJ. Everyone seemed to take interest in it so posted it even though I thought it wasn't my best work.
Everyone loved it.
And I feel cheap.
I think I am falling in love with him. Why couldn't I have met him before I got married?
I have a slight incest kink in stories ONLY not in real life. I was reading something hot, letting my vibrator do its job (I was under the covers just in case) and my MOM walks in. I carry on a complete conversation with her (what else could I do?!!) and ever since, I've felt so dirty.
I have not touched my vibrater since, and its been months.
i just feel so wrong. She didn't know what was happening but STILL SO WRONG.
what's the point if we are all alone anyway? unless just I am all alone.
Sometimes when I'm having sex I fantasize abut Jack Bauer.
All I wanted was someone who wanted me, and now I have a great boyfriend. But when he touches me, I get nervous. That can't be normal.
He's at least 5 inches taller but I'm sure I weigh more.
He's devastatingly thin and just gorgeous.
This makes me very insecure because how the hell would see me?
I only shower once a week. I'm worried that when I go to college, people will find out and make fun of me. But I don't want to shower more often.
Three kids from the local high school were killed in a brutal car crash today.
My family is in shock. My sister, who goes to school with them, was in tears.
I feel nothing.
You chose me over her, and I'm flattered, but I think you made the wrong decision.
I really want to have a gay affair right now, before I get another girlfriend. But I know my "lover" is far out of reach...
i wish i was more androgynous
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