Jan 03, 2010 20:19
This week's theme is...
Week 172: Technology
All those cool gizmos and gadgets that make our lives easier to live in apply. Microwaves, computers, tvs, anything of the sort. It has to be current or "futuristic" so if you wanted to do something from like Star Trek or something that's totally cool too.
[x] Up to two [2] icons may be submitted per person.
[x] Icons can be from any source material.
[x] No text, tiny text, or anything that could be construed as text.
[x] Meet LJ standards (100x100 / 40K or less .jpg, .gif or .png only).
[x] Follow submission guidelines (detailed in userinfo).
[x] Live Journal userpics is not an acceptable form of image hosting.
[x] Mods reserve the right to accept or deny your submission.
[x] Please remember to submit in the proper format, you can find it in our userinfo.
Submit icons to this screened post by Friday, January 8th, at 9 PM EDT.
week 172,