Relationship Meme

Jan 15, 2010 12:15

Hiroki finally hit 1000 comments!!

So comment here with any questions you might have or just comment and I will talk at you about his feelings, because he has a lot of them. ♥


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Comments 13

whenurgood2nana January 15 2010, 19:57:24 UTC
Talk at me.


textbooktsun January 15 2010, 21:47:46 UTC
Nana is actually one of his less stressful friends! She doesn't set him off very often and they tend to agree more than not, which is nice. He's a little curious about some things she's said about people but he's not intrusive enough to ask, and he doesn't want to upset her. He is a little surprised she seems to like talking to him but that's just because he's a grump. He likes her and sort of awkwardly considers her a friend.


whenurgood2nana January 15 2010, 21:59:07 UTC
Nana sort of considers him a friend too. They get along and he reminds her a little of herself in some ways. She enjoys the fact that they do seem to think along the same wavelength on a lot of things. She's curious to hear more about him and his life. As for talking about herself, she has a hard time doing that and opening up to people. She gets really lonely in camp without Hachi around, because Hachi and her bandmates are the ones she depends on and opens up to. So, she's kind of sulky and mood swinging as a result of being here without them. Also, a bit of drama went down in camp that also has her kind of upset. Despite all that though, she finds herself getting along with him and warming up to him. He needs to join her and Yuki for drinking night at the chapel or studio. Yay new friend.


textbooktsun January 15 2010, 22:06:49 UTC
Hiro swings between being fairly self-centered and being surprisingly aware of the people close to him, but yeah, she kind of reminds him of himself too. They do need to drink together! ...And then she will definitely learn more about him and his life, because he rants about his feelings when he's drunk. XD


servicewitha January 15 2010, 20:34:26 UTC


textbooktsun January 15 2010, 21:53:15 UTC
Fuuma... Is kind of complicated, in that the height and the touching and the smiling all remind him of Nowaki, which simultaneously made him like Fuuma more and dislike him more. On the one hand, it's a personality type he's super weak to - on the other, being reminded of Nowaki makes him worried and upset. Now that he's been here a while though he mostly just sees Fuuma as the sort of infuriating, good-natured friend he seems to collect. He shouts and shoves and makes statements but underneath it he likes him, and he really admires his desire for knowledge - that kind of drive earns you big points with Hiro. A+ would get drunk with again.


swornmyoaths January 15 2010, 20:40:10 UTC
hi hi hi hi hi


textbooktsun January 15 2010, 22:09:57 UTC
Mikage flusters the hell out of him. XD He's really weak to genuinely good, kind people but he also doesn't always know what to make of them until he knows them better. So he'll be super grumpy and shout a lot but he'll warm up eventually. And Mikage seems smart, which helps. He likes people with goals. Of course, he'll still freak whenever you laugh at him.


swornmyoaths January 16 2010, 01:19:33 UTC
Mikage has decided that one day he's going to find Hiroki in the library and just study ~quietly~ to see how Hiroki'll handle it. Hiroki's attitude of flustered grumpiness draws Mikage like a magnet. It's fun! It's cute! It reminds him of Teito and makes him figure that Hiroki needs more friends. The lonliness circle confirmed that latter part sharply, and so he has determined that he's going to hang around and become Hiroki's friend!! IT'LL BE GREAT.


00_07 January 15 2010, 21:31:19 UTC


textbooktsun January 15 2010, 22:14:15 UTC
Vanya is confusing! He really dislikes that kind of self-deprecation but coming from a little girl he doesn't know how to respond to it, because he generally thinks that kids are scared of him and that he's not very personable and will just make a mistake and freak them out. Plus, Nowaki is amazing with kids so he has some little twinges about that whenever he's around them.

But Vanya - basically he wants to tell her to man up and stop worrying about stupid things like powers instead of what she actually can accomplish, but does not know how to convey this to a little girl without upsetting her, which he does not want to do.


(The comment has been removed)

textbooktsun January 16 2010, 06:33:52 UTC
YES, YES YOU SHOULD so that he can fluster him more. |D Kantarou riles him up really easily but he'll probably calm down at least a little bit once he gets used to it. Maybe. He is a little interested in how old Kantarou claimed to be now that he's more used to all the different kinds of people at camp and fantasy stories being true, but he also thinks it's annoying.


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